Looking for the Perfect Photo Website

The Perfect Photography Website

Photo Sharing Website

I think most photographers have been in the same position I have found myself. For several years I have been looking for a website that would do it all. Everything from archiving and storing my photos on line to being able to publish and sell my much sought after masterpieces to the hungry  public.

Having as many as three websites to fulfill all my needs , I realize how confusing it can be trying to keep up with what I have posted where. I desired a site where I could store my photos, make them available to friends and family so they could view them , and also a site where I could access my photos, transfer them to Photoshop , edit and them post them to various blogs and websites.

Phanfare has developed a site that meets all of my needs and more. The site is a perfect place to archive my photos,not only that, they can be viewed by anyone. There is the capability to publish or unpublish various categories so I can choose which photos are available for viewing and which photos are to be kept private.

The Pro version features a website link so I can publish a link to my websites and blogs for easy viewing by my readers. It also offers the opportunity for me to offer my prints for sale, not only as photos, but also books,greeting cards,calendars,coffee mugs, mouse pads,puzzles, and various other products.
All one  needs to do is upload the photo, set the prices, and Phanfare does the rest! How much easier can it get.

A function is even provided where the photos can be uploaded to Face Book, Twitter, Ebay, and other sites.

This may not be the perfect photo site, but It’ll do until the perfect one comes along. If you’re looking for a photo sharing website, this could be for you.

Gary is a travel writer and photographer living in Sarasota, Florida. He maintains a website featuring some of his travel photos and markets a line of products featuring many of his photos.
