Thomas Jefferson:Constitution

As you can see Thomas Jefferson was against wholesale changes in the constitution. However he and others knew that from time to time changes must be made to keep up with the times.

Hence the Amendments came into play, whereby the constitution could be adjusted to changes in society without disrupting and changing the whole document, which would be disastrous. Then if found unworkable, the amendments could be repealed much easier than changing the whole constitution.

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Thomas Jefferson:Declaration of Independence

Art Prints

Thomas Jefferson, as well as all of the founding fathers believed our rights come from God, not from government. We give the government rights , they only have the right to do what we give them permission to do.


It is time to return to that philosophy, one either believes in God , or they believe in government , which do you believe in?

For weekly updates, follow me on Kindle.

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature,landscapes and studying native cultures.Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt,the Canary Islands,much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America, and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hard cover and Ebooks,and contact information: please check his

Your comments appreciated

Thomas Jefferson: God

Many times people on the left try to tell us the founding fathers didn’t believe in God and often misquote the Declaration of Independence when they  tell us we have freedom from religion. The manuscript actually teaches us we have freedom of religion. Big difference.

This photo was taken inside the Thomas Jefferson Memorial and clearly states Thomas Jefferson’s beliefs when it comes to God. A free people cannot and will not survive without a belief in God or a Supreme Being.

Liberals Want To Control You

In spite of the common perception in today’s world, liberalism isn’t all
it’s cracked up to be. The modern day liberal would have us believe they
are ultra compassionate and have everyone’s best interest at heart,
even more than their own health and welfare. They would like for us to
believe they know  how to run our lives better than we do ourselves.
Nothing can be farther from the truth.

Today’s liberal, as well as those in the past are projectionists, which means
that whatever they accuse others of doing, those are the very things
they do themselves. You can always count on them to be guilty of the
very actions that they  try to accuse others of doing. If you don’t
believe me , just pay attention, for one week, to what the liberal
politicians say, what they accuse others of doing, and what they
actually do. It will quickly become evident that is exactly what is

Liberals beat everybody down, in spite of what they say, their
objective is to keep you down and control you. They want to keep you a
slave, they act as though they are doing you a favor and looking after
your best interest, however,remember, the person that feeds and supports
you,also controls you.

To me, the way to look at something is, if I don’t believe  something or
don’t want to do it,then  I don’t  do it.It is up to the individual as
to what he believes  or does, it’s not any of my business as to what
someone else believes.The hard core liberal believes that if he or she
doesn’t believe or want to do something , then no one should believe in
it or do it. To me this is taking a very narrow minded and controlling
view of life.

We are not all the same and weren’t intended to be, everyone has a
different point of view and as such has a right to express it and live life as they want.

As long as their rights don’’t infringe upon someone
else’s, more power to them.

Keep up with the latest political and common sense news, follow me on Kindle.


 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature,landscapes and studying native cultures.Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt,the Canary Islands,much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America, and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hard cover and Ebooks,and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated


Throughout man’s long history on earth,there has been one group of people who have carried the torch of liberty and freedom throughout the ages , from time immemorial until the present day. In these days their counsel is need more than ever.

Global Warming

people today believe that global warming is man made and some day it
could destroy the earth and all living things. Many people with this
belief are members of the “crisis of the week” club, they fall victim
again and again to every new crisis that comes down the pike, often
times on a weekly basis.

who has studied the pattern of weather changes the world has
encountered over the millions of years of it’s existence realizes there
are always climate changes occurring and humans have had nothing  to do
with it.

change is a natural event that is continuously taking place. There are
always changing weather patterns that can be brought on by many factors
completely out of control of human activity.

meteors have crashed into the earth and affected weather patterns for
many years to come, volcanoes have erupted and spilled more pollutants
into the air than humans could contribute in thousands of years. The
wobble of the earth which takes thousands of years to reach a full cycle
also affects the weather of the whole planet, but it takes place so
slowly that civilizations come and go in the meantime and no one

many places on our planet , the frozen remains of long forgotten
animals have been discovered  that still have green vegetation in their
stomachs, how did those get there? Likewise, in some locations beach
sand and seashells are found at 4,500 feet above sea level, such as inSedona Arizona.

can see different levels of ocean water on the rock cliffs in such
places as the American Southwest, and in contrast there are many places
throughout the world where lost cities are hidden beneath the ocean
waters, having sunk after flourishing for centuries.

is much evidence that at one time Europe was much warmer than it is
today,and in an obvious desert environment there is  a large river
valley located in the Egyptian desert next to the Giant pyramid of Giza,
a river so large it had to have a very large river flowing through it
at one time.

of these instances, and many more point to the fact that the earth has
gone through many climatic changes over the years, back to a time before
humans roamed the planet and no power plants, SUV’s, or other modern
facilities were not yet conceived.

change will always be occurring and despite the thinking of some
enlarged egos, humans have very little or nothing to do with it.  To
think otherwise is preposterous. We are only tiny creatures in the big
picture of life and nature.

Keep up on the latest, follow me on Kindle.

Take photos of a lifetime!

I'm Offended

I’m Offended

someone tells you they are offended by what you say, what does that
mean? Does it mean you said something you shouldn’t have? Or does it
mean they are just too sensitive?

of us normally try not to offend anyone by our speech or actions. We
try to consider others feelings in our normal day to day life and want
to get along with everyone we meet and work with. However in today’s
world, that is becoming more and more difficult. With all the political
correctness floating around , it seems people get offended at the
smallest of things.

has become a way of attracting attention, even though it is negative
attention, many people still thrive on that sort of notoriety and will
create things to be offended about. Most often it has something to do
with a racial or sexual nature and many times if the situation were
reversed, it would have no effect on the other person whatsoever.

times when someone utters those words it just means they are not in
control of their emotions and they want you to do it for them. It has
become another way for people in today’s world to shift blame to someone
else and thereby take no responsibility for their own actions.

someone says something to us, it is our decision to be offended or not,
the other individual has no control over that, it is our responsibility
alone. Have you ever noticed that some individuals are not offended
regardless of what is said to them, doesn’t that offend you? 

Change Some One’s Life

have mastered the situation and realize that what someone says or does
doesn’t reflect on them, only on the individual who said or did it. It
is all a matter of perception. Their actions only mirror their
experiences  and thoughts in life and have no bearing on anyone but

think most of us can remember the days not too long in the past where
we could joke with others about their minor differences and
imperfections, it was done in jest and in most cases all enjoyed it and
got a good laugh from it, soon it would be turnabout fair play and the
ribbing would be reversed, remember how much fun that was?

Let’s go back to those days and not take ourselves so seriously. Life is too short.

For the latest, follow me on Kindle.

Learn more about Native Remedies

We Won in Vietnam

Over the years there has been much discussion concerning the war in
Vietnam and whether it was worth it. Many feel it was a disgraceful time
in our nations history.

many ways it was a disgraceful time, many in the United States did not
support our troops and many celebrities like Jane Fonda came out openly
against the effort. Many like her still to this day don’t realize the
negative effect their actions had on our troops and country, many
prisoners suffered needlessly because of her actions.

is a prime example of how wars turn out when then politicians try to
run the campaigns from their desk in the White House. The war would have
had a much better outcome if the politicians had stuck to doing what
they do best, succumbing to special interests groups and ignoring their
constituents. I hope in the future we left the military run the war,
that is what they do best, they are professionals.

said all of that, I still content the war was worth it and we did in
fact  win, not on the battle field , but in the hearts and minds of the
Vietnamese. As a result of our presence in that faraway country, many of
the local population became aware of a better way of life. Many
Vietnamese followed our soldiers when they returned home.  As a result
they created a better life for themselves and their families.

those that stayed, in spite of the country becoming a communist regime ,
life is better for them than it was before. Most now want to become
Americanized, as a result  golf courses and other western amenities are
now seen. Most want to be like America, not China or Japan.Over time
this will have a profound affect on the region.

refugees who came to the United States  have assimilated and become
productive and contributing citizens, many stating businesses , their
work ethic has created  a better life for themselves and families.

personally know of one mother , who after September 11th, grabbed her
two young sons, escorted them  to a recruiter and insisted they join the
military so they could defend  and give back to the country that has
given them so much.

attitudes of this mother and others have contributed much to our
country, they should be commended for what they have done and continue
to do. They have made not only the United States a better place, but
their homeland as well.

For the latest updates, follow me on Kindle.

Art Prints

We Have Lost Our Way

photo of a distinguished older gentleman

Wisdom lost through the ages, common sense is no longer common.

Written by Gary Wonning

Regardless of how much effort we put into following our life path, we all occasionally lose our way. Events and circumstances occur that can change our perspective immediately.

When this happens it can create an environment where we begin to question everything we think we know, and as a result, we can lose our way and wander aimlessly until a new path and way of life determined.

This is all well and good, it is the natural order of things. These are the times when our faith will carry us through. Regardless of what we may experience, the in-grown values each of us have will eventually shine through and lead us back to our path.

As cultures and values change, we change also. The Australian Aborigines are a prime example. Once, as nomadic tribes , they roamed the outback of Australia and became very much in tune with nature and the environment around them. They became very astute at being able to foretell coming events and adapting to a way of life consistent with their surroundings.

 With the coming of the Europeans, they now must adapt to a new way of life, which after living for 40,000 years under a gum tree it is very difficult to do.

In many ways the life they had was more fulfilling than the way of life they now have. As a result of the cultural shift, many are now resorting to drugs and alcohol as a respite from their daily life. Many have forgotten the teachings of their fathers, and not being able for a variety of reasons to assimilate into modern day culture, they are floundering aimlessly through life.

Hopefully one day they will regain their sense of well being and begin to assimilate into modern society while sharing their spirituality with us.

Us in the modern day world, with all the advances in technology, have spiritually lost our way also. It has become apparent there is a great spiritual void in today’s world, as evidenced by the discontent and disconnect from society. With all the modern technology and conveniences in today’s world, we should be the happiest people to ever inhabit our planet.

Regretfully this isn’t true, modern man has placed too much emphasis on things and not enough on the more important aspects of our lives. Many haveforgotten the value of friendships and most of all their connection to their creator, the Grand Architect of the  Universe. The one who is responsible for all we have.

This connection needs to be re-established before it is too late, we have advanced technology to be able to have more time to enjoy our relationship with each other, not to take away from it. Technical advances are well and good, I don’t think anyone really wants to live in a TeePee anymore or suffer the many diseases of the past. However, there needs to be a balance. 

Modern day society needs the inherent knowledge of the aborigines and other native tribes have. If we don’t somehow find that balance we will all suffer the consequences, and I don’t think anyone wants that. They hold the keys to our spiritual knowledge.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could combine their knowledge of the spiritual world with our technology? 

What a world we would have.


Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

While we have advanced technically far superior to those that came before us, we have lagged behind in spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

photo of shriner walking up masonic stairs

The Masonic Influence on World History



The 2012 Presidential Election

2012 Presidential election is going to be interesting. While the world
watches, many interesting and fascinating events will occur. I know it
is said every election, at least in the last 15 years, but this is the
most critical election in modern time. The fate of not only the United
States, but the entire free world as well ,hangs in the balance.

we continue on the path to destruction by embracing socialism and even
worse Marxism, or do we find our way back to what our founding fathers
intended for this country and the world, freedom and a place where
mankind could reach it’s highest potential without the interference of

has already been evidenced, many individuals will play a part in this
election, and each will play a major role in the final outcome. The
moment I saw Sarah Palin in 2008 I knew she would be a major player and
possibly president someday. Everyone seems to forget , John McCain and
Sarah were leading the 2008 presidential polls, until the financial
crisis which conveniently occurred 5 weeks before the election.(October

was without a doubt the first to speak out, her boldness set the way
for others to follow, as a result she took much heat for this. Such is
the plight for trend setters. Many see her as radical, this just goes to
show how far our country has drifted from the path originally set by
our founding fathers. In today’s world John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan
would be labeled extreme and would have little chance of getting elected
to anything.

Governor Palin came Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and others,
each contributing much to the campaign. Although most have fallen out
of the hunt as of today, they still continue to contribute and slowly
educate the American citizen as to the virtues of their beliefs.

down, most people know that what they are saying is true, however,
people have been so mis-educated by not only the media, but our
educational system and misinformed parents as well, they have lost sight
of the basic values we as human souls are all instilled with .

Fort Myers Florida Sunrise

have been so indoctrinated by a society that teaches many to be
dependent on government and their entitlements and the misconception it
creates. Many believe that life is easier if someone does everything and
pays for everything for them. This may be true for a while, but sooner
or later, there is a price to pay, the one with the money is the one in
control of your life. Do you want the government in control of your

election will determine the fate of not only the United States and it’s
citizens but the fate of the world for many years to come. Do we want
to continue down the path of socialism and destruction, or do we want to
gradually return to the values and work ethic our country was founded

we want to take the easy way out, or do we want to return to the time
tested values that have sustained generations of people throughout the
ages? Do we want to put forth a little extra effort to guarantee of life
similar to ours for generations of our descendants, or do we want to
sentence them to a life of subjugation and poverty, a life with little
freedom and opportunity?

Someday you may return to this planet, what do you want to find if and when you do?

Stay up to speed on things that matter, follow me on Kindle.

Learn more about Native Remedies