Writing Your Life Story

We are each in charge of our destiny

Regardless of your life circumstances and the difficulties you may
face, you are in charge of your life. No one else can run  it for you.
The trials we all face in life are many times just tests we encounter to
help us decide how determined we are to reach our goals .

times the future we want can be elusive and take a large amount of
effort to attain. Often times we have karma to deal with as well as our
own insecurities.In the process,we often learn that the destination
isn’t nearly important as the journey and what we learn while traveling
down the road of life.

of how long it takes to find your bliss, there are several key factors
one needs to remember and never lose sight of.

your passion, your reason for living. Each day is a new beginning, turn
those so called negative events in your life into something positive,
you are living the life you are for a reason. Turn your passion into
your life’s mission, don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you
come alive and do it. the world needs people who come alive in the
pursuit of what inspires them.

you find your passion, work hard on it. Break out of your comfort zone
and become comfortable with new surroundings and challenges. Don’t be
afraid to dream big and create the reality you desire.

We are what we think.

your own life, not the life someone would choose for you, pursue a path
,but be willing to change course if necessary. There are many paths one
can take to accomplish your goal, change direction if necessary, but
move forward.

to let go of the past, the past taught you many lessons, but let go of
the negative emotions that you may be still clinging  to. It won’t
always be easy and you will meet obstacles along the way,but keep going
when the going gets tough. All successful people have experienced many
ups and downs along the way. The winners keep going until the goal is

forget to stop and smell the roses along the way, it’s more about the
journey than the destination. Spend time with people you care about and
love doing things you enjoy doing. Life can be short, don’t accomplish
your goals without enjoying the journey along the way.

valuable lessons along the way, accept new ideas and remember the
problems are challenges sent our way so we may learn important lessons.

the little things in life that mean so much and live an honorable life,
always do the right thing regardless of if you think some other action
would be more profitable to you. It isn’t worth it to do
otherwise,sooner or later improper or unethical actions always come back
to haunt us.

For weekly updates, you can now follow me on Kindle.

Realize Your Dreams Premium Trinket Box
Realize Your Dreams Premium Trinket Box by lifejourneysimages
Shop for Sunset ocean Premium Gift Boxes online at Zazzle.com

Redirecting Fear

F.E.A.R., False Evidence Appearing Real.

at one time or another experiences fear, the kind of fear that is
immobilizing and often prevents us from performing daily tasks. Many
times we don’t even realize we are afraid, we just become extremely
cautious while trying to deal with whatever is causing the drama.

can be hard to recognize and as a result we often avoid  the best
possible solution which is to go forward, confront it , walk through it,
move on and resume our life.

hard to believe as it may seem, most fear is only a figment of our
imagination. Most times, what we fear never comes to fruition. Our mind
is notorious in regard to playing tricks on us and will magnify anything
we let it dwell on.

idle mind is the devil’s playhouse, most of our fears surface when we
are idle and have nothing to do. The mind is always at work and if we
give it nothing to do, it will find something to think about.

is at such times we need to refocus and put our mind to a more positive
use. It is in this time we are most susceptible to creating a reality
that we don’t want to come to fruition. We are constantly creating our
future by the thoughts we nurture. When we allow negative thoughts to
control our mind, we are creating a reality not conducive to our best

become engulfed in this kind of thinking and continuously think
thoughts that keep putting them back in the same patterns that
continuously create drama and hardship in their life. The only way out
of this dilemma is to change our thinking habits.

this is a great tool for changing our life and directing us to a better
place. Once one realizes what is happening, all that needs to be done
is to redirect our thoughts and begin visualizing a positive outcome.

may seem difficult at first or even silly, however, this is the first
step to creating a better future.Continuous practice and a belief it
will work , over time will lead to the life you want and desire.

Feminism and Marital Discourse

this day and age there is much said about women not being under the
control of a man. The argument always comes down to some male jerk doing
something he shouldn’t have done to a woman and she responds in a
militant way, much to the approval of everyone in attendance.

I agree, there isn’t anyone who should be under the control of another,
there are limits. When you are in a relationship, married or otherwise
it has always been my belief you should try to cooperate and act in a
manner that is beneficial to each. If your mate does something that is
unacceptable, it should be discussed and the issue resolved, if
possible. Doing something for someone doesn’t mean you are under their

militant and demanding your rights will only create animosity and will
do nothing to make the relationship better. Just because you do
something for the other person they like doesn’t mean you are under
their control. It isn’t demeaning to iron clothes or fix a meal.

situation that brought this to my attention : a lady I know  was
discussing her grandparents, and an event that occurred some time ago.
It seems the husband didn’t like the way his wife ironed his shirts, and
wrinkled one of them up and threw it down the stairs in disgust,
exclaiming he didn’t like the way she ironed his shirts.

got the message , learned from the event and proclaimed she would never
iron another shirt, and didn’t. It was hailed as a great victory for
feminism. Boy, did she show him. But what did she show him. Let him iron
his own shirts. She’s being just as chauvinistic as he is.

if she feels that way, maybe she should go out and plow the fields and
grow her own food. She can also cut her own wood for the stove to keep
herself warm. I’m sure that over time there was plenty he did that she
didn’t approve of and I’m sure she went out of her way to voice her
opinion about it.

question, grandpa acted in an unacceptable manner, however Grannie’s
response was worse. She dug her heels in and by her actions created an
unresolvable situation. I’m sure grandpa also dug his heels in and as a
result, I doubt if there ever was much harmony in that house again.

don’t know what else happened before this little escapade, but grannie
was granted her independence , she was now a free independent  woman,
supposedly in total control over her husband,but what price did she pay?

not about control, it’s about doing something for someone else the way
they like, and thus trying to please them. What is wrong with that?

you are in any relationship there has to be give and take.If you aren’t
ready to do that, if you want complete independence and be under no
one’s (control), maybe you shouldn’t be in a relationship.

I tell it like it is, if you agree, you can now follow me on kindle.

Rules For Traveling Down the Road of Life

There are many similarities between driving safely on the highways and byways of life, and navigating the roads of our own spiritual journey through life.  After all, that is what life is all about, it is a spiritual journey we all take in one form or another to reach our destination.

Life is all about finding our way through the labyrinth of passages and possible paths we can take as we learn valuable life lessons along the way. Life is all about finding our way back to our source and the valuable lessons we learn in the process.

capiture of a ups driver making a delivery

A UPS driver making a delivery to a beautiful blonde

During my previous life as a professional truck driver, we had certain rules and driving habits to adhere to, by following these basic principles we could lead a life time of accident-free driving which would  enable us to live to a ripe old age. If we didn’t follow the rules, it would certainly lead to a hazardous journey and even possible death at an early age.

I have found these same rules can apply to life and either lead to a happy well-rounded life or one filled with disaster at every turn.

The five rules of safe driving are thus explained:

1. Aim High in Steering

The first principle, aim high in steering, means to  look as far down the road as possible to uncover important traffic information so as to make appropriate driving decisions. One should look ahead to where your vehicle will be in 12-15 seconds.

Applied to life this would imply we should plan as far ahead down the road of life as possible so we can try to comprehend what problems we may encounter and prepare for them, financially, spiritually, and emotionally.

2.Get The Big Picture
Maintain the proper following distance so you can comfortably determine the true hazards around your vehicle. Don’t tailgate others. Be aware of all objects and obstacles(dogs, cats ,deer, ladders in the road , etc.) scan other vehicles to be aware of things that might fall off into your path. The road isn’t going anywhere, once you know where it is, observe things that might move into your line of travel. 

Scan 1-2 city blocks ahead ½ mile on highways, expressways & country roads Scan sidewalk to sidewalk in town, fence row to fence row in the country Be aware of all areas and all things around your vehicle. Back only when necessary. When backing, double check to make sure no one or nothing is behind your vehicle, get out of the vehicle and physically check if necessary. This
can also be done while walking to your vehicle.

Applying these rules to life we learn to maintain a safe distance between us and the obstacles we may face. We need to be aware of all challenges that may come our way as far ahead of time as possible so the proper actions may be taken to lessen the effects of a possible problem, while only looking back to remember and cherish where we came from and how far we have traveled.

3.Keep Your Eyes Moving
 Scan- Don’t stare. Constantly shift your eyes while driving, Active eyes keep up with changing traffic conditions.
Check all mirrors every 5-8 seconds, Scan with your eyes every 2 seconds.
Never stare at an object for more than 2 seconds, not even at Brad Pitt or Angeline Joline!
Eliminate eye holding patterns
Adjust speed to existing conditions, speed up or slow down. Driving comes first, eating , changing radio, A/C, talking on cell phone, etc, all come secondary. If you get tired, turn up the radio, turn up A/C, sing to yourself, or better yet pull over and take a break.

In life, always remain vigilant, don’t get stuck in  a rut and neglect to pay proper attention to what is going on around you. The business of life comes first , keep from getting distracted.

4.Leave Yourself An Out  Be prepared. Surround your vehicle with space in front and at least one side to escape conflict.
Leave a 1 car -length space cushion between you and the car in front of you at stop signs and intersections(check mirrors to make sure the person behind you is stopping, if not use up your space cushion, or change lanes if possible.)
If the person in front of you stops suddenly, stop as soon as possible, but if you have time, check your mirror to make sure the person behind you can stop before hitting you, if not use up your space cushion to give him as much room as possible. Whenever you hit someone from the rear, it is automatically your fault, a driver needs to have control of his, or her vehicle at all times.

You need to have control of your life at all times.
Use turn signals
Stay at least 2 seconds behind the car in front of you(1 car length for every 10 MPH.)
3 seconds in adverse weather
Slow down in heavy rain, your vehicle will hydroplane if you go to fast. Every vehicle is different, vehicles with wider tires will hydroplane quicker than vehicles with narrower tires.
Check other drivers and vehicles for movement, watch drivers heads for movement, remember, the wheels of a vehicle are the first thing to start moving, check them.

Always be prepared and have a plan B, many times at the last minute our plans dissolve and one needs an alternate plan of action to avoid possible disaster and heartache. If life changes and you have no escape route, it is you who will pay the consequences.

5.Make Sure They See You
Communicate in traffic with your horn, lights, and signals to establish eye contact with motorists and pedestrians. Be reasonably sure of other people’s intentions.
Make eye contact
Honk horn (twice)
Turn on/off headlights
Tap brakes several times in succession
Use turn signals.

Make sure everyone around you is aware of your actions and desires, as well as you of theirs. We can’t accomplish what we want in life if no one sees us.

We can’t negotiate the highways of life if we are unsure of what the people in our circle of influence and ourselves in particular want, need, or will do.

It certainly will not solve or prevent  all our problems, however , when challenges do arise,applying the five seeing habits of safe driving to our lives can and will enable you to negotiate the highway of life with a lot less stress and disappointment.

If you would like to receive frequent posts on your Kindle, you can now follow me .

Art Prints


 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature,landscapes and studying native cultures.Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt,the Canary Islands,much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America, and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hard cover and Ebooks,and contact information: please check his website.www.journeysthrulife.com.

Your comments appreciated

safe driving

A guide to safely reach your destination during severe winter weather.

Live Your Dream

Author unknown.

When your goals are aligned with your highest values, and what you’d love to
achieve absolutely reflects your authentic self, then you’ll
automatically think about those goals. When you’re grateful for your
challenges, for yourself, and for those around you—and you’re
appreciative for the way it is—you have the power to create and shape
your life. To put it simply, you bring about what you think and “thank”
There are four primary feelings that assist you in living your dream. They
emerge when you tune into your inner wisdom and maintain harmony with
your highest values. They are as follows:

  1. Gratitude.
    Gratitude is the gateway to the heart that allows your authentic self
    to radiate outward to those around you. It is a genuine appreciation of
    yourself, other people, and the world. When you feel grateful for what
    you have, you’ll receive more of what you love and the power to
    transform your life.
  2. Unconditional Love.
    Unconditional love is having an open heart and no desire to change
    yourself or others. You feel content about your life and the Universe as
    it is. It is a poised, present, powerful, and patient state of heart
    and soul.
  3. Inspiration.
    Inspiration is an expression of living according to your highest
    values. When you’re focused on fulfilling what is important to you, it’s
    nearly impossible not to live a purposeful and meaningful life. People
    naturally desire to be in your company when you are inspired and love
    what you do.
  4. Enthusiasm.
    Everyone loves to be served by and in the company of people who are
    enthusiastic about what they do. Enthusiasm is a magnetic feeling that
    will give you incredible influence in your social circles, workplace,
    family environment, and other areas of life.

When you embrace these feelings, your body and mind will be in harmony, and
you’ll increase your ability to attract and/or create your desired
outcome. Every cell in your body will experience an accompanying state
of certainty, presence, inspiration, and gratitude. Remember, you feel
that “you can” when you’re aligned with your highest values, and believe
“you can’t” when you are not. Doubt comes about when you’re pursuing
something that is low on your values list.

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and
people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you
laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat
you right, pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything
but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.

There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:
This is me damn it!  I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel,
love the way I love!  I am a whole complex package.  Take me. . . or leave me.
Accept me–or walk away!  Do not try to make me feel like less of a person,
just because I don’t fit your idea of who I should be and don’t try to change
me to fit your mold.  If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.
When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad–
you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.

I regularly post articles concerning common sense and hints leading to a better life, you can now follow me on Kindle.

Photography Prints

A Better World for our Kids

I found this somewhere, I couldn’t agree more.

We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we
made them worse.  For my grandchildren, I’d like better.  I’d really
like for them to know about hand-me-down clothes and homemade ice cream
and leftover meat loaf sandwiches.  I really would.

I hope you learn humility by being humiliated, and that you learn honesty by being
cheated.  I hope you learn to make your own bed and mow the lawn and
wash the car.  And I really hope nobody gives you a brand-new car when
you are sixteen.

It will be good if at least one time you can see puppies born and your old dog put to sleep.  I hope you get a black eye
fighting for something you believe in.  I hope you have to share a
bedroom with your younger brother.  And it’s all right if you have to
draw a line down the middle of the room, but when he wants to crawl
under the covers with you because he’s scared, I hope you let him.

When you want to see a movie and your little brother wants to tag along, I
hope you’ll let him.  I hope you have to walk uphill to school with your
friends and that you live in a town where you can do it safely.  On
rainy days when you have to catch a ride, I hope you don’t ask your
driver to drop you two blocks away so you won’t be seen riding with
someone as uncool as your mom.

If you want a slingshot, I hope your dad teaches you how to make one instead of buying one.  I hope you
learn to dig in the dirt and read books.

When you learn to use computers, I hope you also learn to add and subtract in your head.  I
hope you get teased by your friends when you have your first crush on a
girl, and when you talk back to your mother that you learn what ivory
soap tastes like.


May you skin your knee climbing a mountain, burn you hand on a stove
and stick your tongue on a frozen flagpole.  I don’t care if you try a
beer once, but I hope you don’t like it.  And if a friend offers you
dope or a joint, I hope you realize he is not your friend.

I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your Grandpa and go fishing
with your Uncle.  May you feel sorrow at a funeral and joy during the
holidays.  I hope your mother punishes you when you throw a baseball
through your neighbor’s window and that she hugs you and kisses you at
Christmas time when you give her a plaster mold of your hand.

These things I wish for you–tough times and disappointment, hard work and
happiness.  To me, it’s the only way to appreciate life.

You can now follow me on Kindle for more articles about common sense issues, something that is missing in today’s world.

As We think ,We Create

Photography Prints

Written by Gary Wonning

Few of us have any idea of the power of our thoughts. In generations past mankind
accepted the life they were born into, even though most tried to improve
their lot in life in some small way, they realized there were
limitations based on  their beliefs and traditions.

In times  past, this is the system that created Feudalism and Aristocracy.
Even just a generation ago many limitations were put on people
according to their beliefs and those of society.

In this day and age , many are beginning to realize man is in charge of
his destiny and can mold the world according to his own ideas and will.

This doesn’t mean one can  ignore the natural laws of nature, or Nature’s
God and expect to have a happy, normal, prosperous life. There are many
laws of nature that must be adhered to in order to accomplish happiness
in this lifetime.

For example, if one disobeys the laws of a sexual nature and enjoys
relations with multiple partners, sooner or later a disease or an
unplanned child will be a reality.

Disobey the laws of economics, either as an individual , a couple, a community
or a nation and sooner or later much financial hardship will come your

These laws cannot be  broken ,over the long term if one expects to live a
life of happiness and prosperity. In spite of this , one can ignore the
laws of nature and create the world he desires, and suffer the
consequences. For every action there is a reaction.

Thoughts create words, words create actions and actions create consequences.
Hence it is very important to only think the thoughts that will lead to
the future we desire.. Those thoughts are the very things that create
our future.

I often refer to thinking as praying, thought is our continuous
communication with a higher power, God, or the universe hears and reacts
to our everyday thoughts, and puts into motion the actions that
determine our life.

In generations past, very few people realized or even considered this, the
assumption was they would lead a life comparable to those that came
before with a few added modern conveniences thrown in for good measure.

Most never questioned their existence or their spirituality. They were too
busy scratching out an existence and surviving the hard realities of
life. These two factors consumed most of their time and energy. Added
into the mix there was a limited amount of information available to the
average person. This all lead to people assuming everything they had
ever been taught was the only option  and many believed to think
otherwise was blasphemous and could lead to damnation.

They never realized their thoughts lead to the way they lead their lives.
Not that there was anything wrong with their lives, in many instances
they lived more fulfilling lives than we do today. There was certainly
much more time spent with family and friends than many do in today’s

Much in our modern culture has lead to the breakdown of family and society
in general. It is time to realize we can now change that by our thoughts
and actions. The whole purpose of life is to cultivate relationships
with those we know, in person, not on Facebook or Twitter.

Social media certainly has a  place in modern day culture and can add much to
our daily lives, but they don’t replace face to face relationships.

Society has gone through many changes in the past four decades,much of it for
the better. We have some serious issues to confront, they must be
approached on a personal level, it’s not something government can fix
for us, we have to fix them ourselves.It is time to separate what is
important from the rest and build a better life for everyone.

We can if we think we can.

The Time Traveler’s wife

You can now follow me on Kindle for more food for thought.

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature,landscapes and studying native cultures.Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt,the Canary Islands,much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America, and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hard cover and Ebooks,and contact information: please check his website.www.commonsensejourneys.com

Your comments appreciated


I have found over the years that there is no such thing as reality, it is only how we perceive it. Each of us may have a different view of it because of our different beliefs and experiences. Two individuals can be sitting side by side, looking at the same event and “see” two entirely different outcomes based on their individual perceptions

Negotiating the Curves in your life.

Written by Gary Wonning

times  life throws us  a sudden curve and we have to react on a
seconds notice to avoid danger.

Just as  when we are driving in our car along a
familiar road and suddenly, while we aren’t paying 
attention , danger jumps out in front of us and we need to react
suddenly to avoid disaster.

such incident occurred to me while driving home late one Sunday
evening.It had been a long weekend. A typical  teenager , I always
thought I had to pack as much fun into the weekend as I could , after
all , there would never be another one.

A weekend of partying and staying out late had caused me to become extremely sleepy and inattentive.

I drove a familiar road to my home, my mind wandered and I totally
forgot about a ninety degree right turn looming directly ahead of me. Luckily, a sudden
bump in the road got  my attention,  I  glanced down at the speedometer I
realized I was going way too fast to negotiate the turn ahead.

eighty five miles per hour with a sharp curve directly ahead could only
spell disaster. I had to make the curve,going straight meant crashing
into a forest with many trees in my path. Not a good option when
traveling at this rate of speed.

up the brakes , I turned the steering wheel to the right ,prayed and
hung on.Sliding sideways and using up all the road, I made it, Whew!

had slide so far and hard,  flat spots were actually worn on my tires.
It took several miles before they actually smoothed out again and became
round so I didn’t feel the familiar bumping.

it is with life , we travel down the road of life and often lose sight
of where we are going , ignoring warning signs along the way. Suddenly
something jogs our memory and we are struck with the sudden realization
that to avoid disaster in our life something must be changed and changed

this point in time , we are forced to make quick and sudden changes
that often times are not well thought out and as a result can have a
disastrous effect on our well being. How much better would it be to
continuously think about our life, where we are going, and how we are
going to get there.

everyone knows, this won’t avoid all the turmoil in our life, but by
always staying aware of what is going on in our environment, many times
we are able to avert disaster before it happens, and lead to a
more stable, peaceful ,enjoyable life.

Indiana Candy Jars
Indiana Candy Jars by lifejourneysimages
Browse other candy dish designs on Zazzle.

If you want to walk on water, get out of the boat.

If you want to walk on water, get out of the boat. Just what does this mean?

Many people go through life  wishing and hoping and never realizing you have
to actually do something to make your dreams come true, and give your
life meaning.

Change your life

Although it worked for Isaac Newton,you cannot experience life and hope achieve your
highest potential by sitting under a tree and letting apples fall on your head . Many people today think they are entitled to a wholesome life and all the trappings it brings. I
have news for you. The world doesn’t owe you a living, you have to go
out and get it, the same way the rest of us achieved whatever level of
success we have.

Regardless of what you may think, most of us worked hard for a lifetime to enjoy
the blessings of life we may have, and in spite of whatever hardships we
are presently enduring , we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Life is meant to be lived, not by sitting idly around and letting someone
else do all the work and take all the chances. You have to get out of
the boat and swim for yourself. The mind and soul needs to be
continuously challenged so it can grow and evolve.

Nothing is accomplished when a being lives in a society where everything is
taken care of for them and there are no challenges or reasons to advance
oneself by hard work, critical thinking and enduring to make a better
and more fulfilling life for everyone.

Many people today, especially the young are not challenged enough, they go
through life in a daze because there isn’t anyone to challenge them to
excel in life. thus they become depressed and angry, taking their anger
out on the very people who try to coddle them by giving them everything
they desire with no strings attached.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Our Declaration of Independence clearly states that all men are created
equal, this alludes to all mankind , not a particular gender or race.
This means we all have equal opportunity according to our desires and
abilities. It has nothing to do with having an equal lifestyle or
income, that is determined solely by desire and ability.

When inspiration and desire induce one to excel in life and create
prosperity in their lives , a perfect society will afford the
opportunity for them to accomplish all they can, but it will not
automatically give it to them, or punish them unfairly when they

The future is promised to no one, we each create our own destiny, if you
decide to sit calmly in the boat, you have to be content as to where the
Captain takes you, only when you get out of the boat and walk across
the water of opportunity will you realize your true lot in life.

If you would like to receive common sense posts on you Kindle, you can now follow me there.

Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature,landscapes and studying native cultures.Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt,the Canary Islands,much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America, and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hard cover and Ebooks,and contact information: please check his website.www.commonsensejourneys.com

Your comments appreciated

George Koritzer



The Splash you make.

I thought this was a good post to start out the new year!

The Splash You Make Can Touch the World.

Cherokee grandpa taught me this lesson when I was seven.  He took me to
a fishing hole and asked me to throw a rock into the pond.  He asked me
what I saw, and I replied that I saw a splash.  He asked me what else I
saw, and I said a circle of water and another circle and another
circle.  He then told me that every person was responsible for the kind
of splash they made in the world and that the splash would touch many
other circles, creating a ripple effect.  I sat there and watched the
water until he asked me to notice the muddy bank where we were sitting. 
He pointed out that one of the circular waves made by my rock was
lapping at my feet, having found its way back to me.  Then he told me
that we all need to be careful of the kinds of splashes we make in the
world, because the waves we create will always come back to us.  If
those splashes were hurtful, we will not welcome them back, but if the
splash and the waves were made from goodness, we will be happy to see
them come home.

teachings of all major religions on our planet show us these same
truths.  They ask us to be loving, to respect one another, and to become
influences for good.  We can see the truth of these teachings when we
see that energy abundantly flows through a person who has not tied up
his or her life force with feelings of jealousy, envy, and the need for
revenge.  By contrast, people pursuing a lawsuit, for example, feel like
they cannot get on with their lives while so much of their emotions,
time, and energy are tied up in a court battle.  The same limiting
ineffectiveness occurs when we waste our energy on regretting the past,
fearing the future, or battling with negative thoughts or feelings. 
These activities create a dam of stagnant energy inside of us that keeps
us from living life in a synchronistic and abundant manner.


the moment that we experience synchronistic joy in our lives, we are
put on notice that we must become aware of every thought, feeling, and
action that we put into the world, owning them all as our creations. 
Accountability for all aspects of our lives is a tall order.  The levels
of what we are willing to be accountable for continue to increase as we
grow, allowing us to be more aware.  Forgiveness toward ourselves and
toward others is of paramount importance.  If we cannot forgive others
and ourselves, letting go of the wounds encountered in the situations we
have experienced, we get stuck.  When we refuse to forgive, we are
asking for a pop quiz.  These pop quizzes can come in the form of life
situations that force us to look at our personal behaviors.

a sponge that is set in a dish of water until all the water is absorbed
into the sponge.  The sponge cannot soak up any more moisture because
it is holding on to every drop it has absorbed.  When we hold on to our
resentments and fears, our anger and bitterness, there is no room in our
life for other thoughts, experiences, or feelings.  To the degree that
we do not release our negative feelings and hidden resentments, we are
effectively soaked in them.  The creative force of life cannot flow
through us when we have dammed any part of it.  This lessens our ability
to embrace new experiences.  When we clutch our wounds, using them as
justifiable reasons for not moving forward, our life force is used to
fuel our avoidance mechanisms.

and the release of the past open the creative flow of life, supporting
all levels of mind, heart, body, emotion, and spirit.  This energy flow
determines the state of our health, our desire to create and procreate,
our willingness to develop our gifts, and how we use or deny the life
force that we are given as human beings. . . . by choosing to let go of
the past, our fears, and our negative patterns or reactions to life, we
are suddenly funded with a resurgence of life force, which propels us
into a new found way of being and a very different way of understanding
the world.

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