Sedona and the American Indians

photo of Bell Rock in Sedona ARizona

The portals of Sedona, a land of mystery and intrigue

Written by Gary Wonning

The Native American Indians never lived in the Sedona area, even in the earliest of times. Sedona was believed a magical area, they only came to worship and come closer to their creator. They believed the spirits of their ancestors, as well as those of animals no longer seen in the third dimension, resided in the red rocks, thus it was believed to be a place of great spiritual significance, a sanctuary where one only visits but doesn’t live.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

While we have advanced technically far superior to those that came before us, we have lagged behind in spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome




The Waterfall In the Life Between Lives

Written by Gary Wonning

Most legends or myths are found to be based on factual events sometime in the distant past, or from some spiritual ritual believed to have come from Source.

What about the waterfall, what is the significance of water running over a cliff?

Many people who have had to opportunity to visit the land in between lives describe the waterfall on the river of life as being vibrations of green light, like vibrations in the water, vibrations that change to red and varying degrees of the colors and surround the soul.

They are described as soft, faint glows of light combining in various colors resembling rhythmic and vibrational waves, that many describe as sound waves.

They spread out and are no longer water, but just colors transcending into a vacuum, being sucked into a hole, much like water in a whirlpool, or a black hole in space.

Souls who are privy to this describe themselves as becoming one with the waterfall, becoming one with the mist that forms, and thus becoming one with the waterfall, becoming more of an energy than matter with no defined shape.

At this point, the soul feels it is just energy attempting to combine with the Source.

Most describe the experience as not being able to combine with the Source, and being ignored by it.

Perhaps, as many philosophies teach,  we all need to attain a certain level of evolvement before we can unite with Divine Source.

That is the purpose of reincarnating again and again.

Sooner or later, we all get it right.

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

Sedona Vortex

Written by Gary Wonning

an excerpt from my book. The Portals of Sedona.

In addition to being a beautiful and serene place; even in ancient times, Sedona has always been famous as a spiritual power center. The vortexes produce some of the most remarkable energy on the planet.

I have found the vortexes in Sedona both exciting and spiritually inspiring. If you are at all sensitive to the energy, the experience of entering one of these vortexes, and letting the energy flow into you and through you, can indeed be overwhelming and life changing.

Photography Prints

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

Do We Decide When To Die

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Written by Gary Wonning

Do we decide prior to reincarnating when we will die?

We decide our whole live before we reincarnate, but once we reenter the physical realm  we have an opportunity to change our life plan and what we want to accomplish.

We always have free will and can and do change our life plan frequently, by doing this we activate alternate lives and our whole perspective changes.

We then follow that path until we accomplish our goals or once again change what we want to see and do.

Thus, you can change when you want to leave your human life. When souls decide to leave their physical lives, they take all of their energy and their bodies become lifeless.

They then  leave the physical plane of that life for good, entering the ethereal plane of the Earth.  When a soul passes, it feels lighter as it is leaving all the feelings from physical life behind.

When a person dies, the memories of absolutely everything that human being lived and experienced, the memories that are stored in the human brain,  are taken by the soul and stored  in the Akashic memories, at the Tree of Life.

The memories belong to their spirit, their greater or higher self. The spirit has access to all those memories  anytime it wants.

Also, that soul will be able to access that life’s memories in its next life if it does a past life regression, or as is the case many times, the soul has spontaneous past life recall which can trigger a desire and curiosity to know more of it’s past. 

Many times this is the souls way of becoming aware of  memories from the past and create awareness of former existences both on planet earth and elsewhere about the cosmos.

Reality is a matter of perception.

Regardless of how it comes about, or if it comes about, these situations are always a result of the souls free will to decide to experience or not experience a particular  experience.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

What Happens When We Die

Written by Gary Wonning

Many of us have often wondered what happens to us when we die?

It is an age old question and one that is difficult to correctly answer because once we die, we theoretically can no longer communicate with those who we have left behind.

There are individuals who have had a near death experience or an out of body experience who have relayed their perception of what they encountered.

Many of them tell of similar encounters when they return to our plane of existence.

Most often, those who have had a NDE tell of passing through the light, or going towards the light and meeting a spiritual being such as Jesus, who tells them their mission on earth is not complete and they need to go back so they can accomplish what they came to earth to do.

They then return to their physical body, recover from their accident or illness and resume their lives, often while accomplishing important duties.

While this is interesting and important information, it still doesn’t explain what happens after we die, since these people never actually died.

All of this being said, the only information we can rely on is the knowledge we gather from psychics, mystics and those who have done past life and in between life regression.

Although many would dispute this type of information, it is the only thing we have to go on, and when so many repeat the same scenario, we can rely on it being pretty accurate.

Most offer a slightly different version of the same story: when physical death occurs and souls leave their bodies, after passing through the “light” they are  greeted by their Spirit Guides, who accompany and guide them to the non physical dimension where souls go after death.

The Guides are highly evolved souls who mentor and direct other souls toward spiritual evolution. Sometimes, souls who just passed away are greeted by loved ones who have previously died and who may also be their Guides.

Art Prints

They are then shown the Tree of Life and communicate with other spirits with whom they have had many incarnations where the previous lifetime is contemplated and discussed. Once they are ready again to reincarnate, all the possibilities of what they would like to accomplish and the best possible way to accomplish their mission. 

Their new life is then discussed with all the souls who will be participating in the life adventure, and if all are willing , the reincarnation process begins. 

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome





The Egyptians Knew How To Build A Society

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The Egyptians were able to predict the flooding of the Nile River and in so doing plan the best time to plant their crops. Because of the ability to recognize and harness something of regularity, they were able to lay the foundations of their economy and their empire.

They were the first to unite what might otherwise be thought of as independent city states, and by doing so, impacted our own concept of what a nation should be.

Their model created the idea of a nation as a society with defined boundaries, currency, and government. The combination of those three elements allows an economic growth trajectory that is ultimately greater than the sum of its parts.

Architecture is the most famous legacy of the Egyptian culture. The Egyptians were the first to employ the use of architecture on a massive scale for purposes other than defense or shelter. Their use of architecture for religious and socio/political reasons has been monumental in the future evolution of all global cultures.

With regularity, they realized that stones make buildings, and buildings make cities, the cities make nations and nations make societies.

Because they saw how buildings could shape the way in which people interact with each other and their leadership, the Egyptians were the first to purposely plan and design buildings and cities for influencing the people of a nation.

Using the Egyptian idea of magic, which is to influence something by indirect means, architecture was the ultimate magic by which to influence society.

Many of the rituals of the masonic lodge were practiced in Ancient Egypt. 

photo of shriner walking up masonic stairs

The Masonic Influence on World History

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

Can Souls Die ?

Art Prints


Written by Gary Wonning

Many have asked if it is possible for a soul to die. If a person leads a totally regressive life and does all sorts of unimaginable evil, does his soul die and rot in hell?

A soul is energy and energy can neither be destroyed or die.  However, when one engages in activity detrimental  to the highest good, the soul can become detached from the physical body, the lack of faith shown by the individual creates a situation where the individual becomes empty and the soul shrinks from importance and begins to lose energy.

Once a soul depletes it will have very weak energy, and not able to reach their Guide or connect with the higher state of being. It is then very hard for it to return in physical form. We might relate this to being depressed in our current reality. They would need time and contemplation to once again be ready to return to the physical form to proceed to their next earthly lessons. 

They would continuously float between the two dimensions until they once again find their way Home, often aided by other souls. In this process, they would learn there are always other souls who are more than willing to aid them in their journey back. The souls offering the assistance are also advancing their development by aiding those in distress. 

The affected souls may end up in lower dimensions of life and continue their process from these lower levels, sort of a refresher course, if you would.  Once they realize there are always guides available to assist in their progress, they will receive guidance . If they are not open, there is no guidance for them. It is one of the valuable lessons of the soul. Sometimes the hardest lesson to learn is to accept help from others. 

There are always souls who are ready and willing to help if and when we ask. But we also need to be open to them. How many times have you asked for guidance and then closed yourself to any nudging you may have gotten from those beyond?  How many times have you ignored the promptings of the soul because you were afraid, or didn’t believe, or were afraid there may be a successful outcome of your actions. 

Many times, we as humans are more afraid of success than we are of failure. When we succeed, many times more is asked of us and we are afraid of the challenge.

The Guides send messages through thoughts, dreams, and the realization of desires. The message isn’t always a loud booming voice from the heavens so often depicted in the bible.  I would venture to guess, those voices many of the prophets heard, were just subtle messages or thoughts such as we are talking about today.

The spirit guides don’t just work with one person, they are available to everyone, but we need to remain open to the possibility and not close ourselves down because we think it is too absurd to enter our vision of reality. 

Many times people refer to their good fortune as “luck”, it isn’t luck, or coincidence, there are no coincidences. It is the universe responding to our requests, and we being open to receive the message.

As I became aware of in my own personal journey, there are many truths we have yet to learn.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome




The Two Pillars Of Humanity

photo of shriner walking up masonic stairs

The Masonic Influence on World History

Written by Gary Wonning

Consequently, in order to appease the Romans. Jesus, King of the Jews, who was a political rebel, was crucified on the cross.

According to some, Jesus Barabbas was the Son of God,  the Romans set  him free.

If there were two men named Jesus, it would solidify the duality of life and allude to the two pillars of life, a belief that has descended through the ages.

There were many claimants of the title messiah at that period in time, and two different sects may have each had their own messiah. The meaning of messiah was defined as someone destined to become king, once you made king status, you were no longer a messiah, you were the king.

Tradition held that there would be two messiahs, to work hand in hand to achieve the final victory of Yahweh and achieve victory for his chosen people. This aligns with the twin flame concept which alludes to the theory that at creation, each soul split into two separate entities, each going its own way, learning and growing on its own in order for the soul to learn separateness from its own self and to learn more quickly than if it was just one entity.

These two represented the two pillars of civilization, the pillar of an earthly king and the pillar of a heavenly king, the two must work hand in hand to form a more perfect union.

A society or culture to continue and flourish must contain the two pillars of government, the political pillar and Godly pillar, and they must work hand in hand.  A country cannot remain strong and free without the hand of God guiding it. 

As we have seen, the two pillars hold a significant position in the civilization of mankind, signifying several different things in various cultures and religious belief systems, such as good/evil, male/female, night/day, darkness/light, etc.


Even a successful marriage enlists the concept of the two pillars,  The male presides over the family and the female presides over the home, thereby forming a perfect union.  

The longing for the soul to once again reunite into one is the cause of much conflict in the world as each half continuously tries to find itself. Many go into and out of relationships looking for that special “one”. 

In reality, we are each that special one, we are each two halves of the whole residing in one body.

We are looking for the divinity in ourselves, once we find that the search for our twin is complete.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

Defining Reality: Part One

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Written by Gary Wonning

Many times it is impossible to define reality.

I think we all have had moments in time when objects or living beings appeared to make us question our definition of reality.

There are many stories I have heard about people seeing objects or their relatives that have passed on, appearing before their eyes in three dimensional reality.

These instances suddenly occur, we see them, think about them, maybe we even related them to those we think may be receptive and then the moment is stored away in our subconscious mind, often to never be thought of again.

We contemplate the singular circumstance, maybe even find someone else who has had a similar experience, and after finding no logical explanation, we go on with our lives.

These holes in reality can occur and do occur anywhere on planet earth, but can be more prevalent in areas like Sedona Arizona where the vortex energy leads to a more favorable environment for such activity.

Often times they occur because the individual is trying to deal with a life changing event or they are ready to begin a new spiritual enlightenment, or maybe, because of the symbolism involved, it may be a forewarning of events to come in their life.

I have heard of several such events in people lives soon after the passing of a loved relative or friend where the person who has passed suddenly appears before their own eyes.

Often times, no words are spoken and before the observer can comprehend what is happening, the entity leaves without a trace. The observer is often left  perplexed, astonished, and questioning his sanity.

In my own humble existence on planet earth, there have been several such reality shattering events.

To be continued tomorrow

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome


The Aboriginal Dreamtime and the Great Flood. Part Two

photo of the three pyramids of Giza at sunrise

Mysterious Egypt, land of a thousand years

Written by Gary Wonning

Part two of a three part series

I believe many events in history actually happened much earlier than conventional wisdom would have us believe, I also believe the pyramids are much older than assumed by the experts.

The planet earth was much different in the time before the last ice age. The earth was not only covered with several different atmospheres, like it is today, it was also covered with a canopy of water vapor that shielded it from outside radiation.

The greenhouse effect created a planet that was much more fertile than it is today, with the plentiful amount of rainfall, animals and vegetation grew much more rapidly and larger than they are today.

Often times humans grew to be 10 feet tall or larger, and lived for hundreds of years, many animals also grew larger than they do  today.

In those times, the earth was also much flatter than it is today.

But things were about to change, it was probably brought on by two events, man’s fall from grace, and or natural evolution. The build up of the ice caps was about to change the world in many ways, it was only a matter of time.

Noah was a God fearing man, who by his actions, was in tune with the universe and did communicate with the God Force or Supreme Intelligence.

Because of this, God did inform Noah of coming events and gave him over one hundred years to prepare for the flood by building an ark to save his family and the animals.

It is mentioned in the bible the dimensions of the ark was measured in cubits.

A cubit is the measurement of a mans forearm from elbow to wrist, because people were larger in those days, the cubit would have been larger, thus making the ark larger than we believe today.

People were bigger, thus, the cubit was longer than thought today.

The ark was constructed on the one to six ratio, as ships are today. The ships are six times longer than they are wide making them less susceptible to sinking, because of this, the ark could have withstood two hundred foot waves.

It was written to be constructed of  Gopher wood, which resembles the plywood of today, the layers were joined with something resembling tar.

No sails or other forms of propulsion were required, all the ark  had to do was float, it needed no other form of propulsion.

Whatever the true cause of the flood, the ice caps were about to melt, and with it mass changes would come to the earth.

Some believe at that time the earth was struck by an ice meteor, which would not only have caused mass destruction, but added billions of gallons of water into the earth environment.  

Noah had been forewarned, he was ready when God brought the animals to him.

Noah gathered two of each kind, he didn’t gather each species, there was no need. Because of changes in climate and environment,the different species could once again develop in a couple hundred years.

It has been known for quite some time, when  new species develop, sometimes they can be quite different that the original and no longer be compatible with the former species.

Alaskan rabbits can’t reproduce with Florida rabbits, but MInnesota rabbits can reproduce with both Florida and Alaska rabbits.

In all likelihood, he would have gathered baby animals, which makes sense, God delivered them to him to preserve the animals, not food.  

The young animals would have been able to live longer, thus enabling them to produce more offspring before dying.

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome