Searching For the Past

Journey to enlightenment

Searching beyond conventional wisdom. Open new avenues in your spiritual search.

Written by Gary Wonning

I will never forget my first past life regression.

I had been searching for spiritual meaning for quite some time, what the church was teaching just didn’t seem to answer all my questions, there seemed to be something missing, it wasn’t that I didn’t believe church doctrine, but there had to be more.

I had been sensing that there was really life after death, not the life most of us had bought into, but a real life on real planet earth, I had seen visions of my living in a different time and place, a time before the twentieth century.

It was time to investigate.

As I read the local paper one evening, I came upon an ad a local hypnotist had placed, the ad said he could cure smoking with hypnotism, my interest was peaked. I had read how people had undergone hypnosis and recalled lives they led in a time before this one. 

This was new uncharted territory and it took some time before I mustered up the courage to call him. 

Finally , I decided I could delay it no longer, this was something I had to do, regardless of the outcome. 

My wife and I had been having some marital issues, and I thought that perhaps I could find answers that would help solve the issues we were having. 

Talking with Tom, he stated he had only done three past life sessions, that didn’t peak my confidence any, but decided to do it anyway, what did I have to lose? 

The session went quite well, I regressed  to two lifetimes I  sensed having lived. One was in ancient Egypt and one lifetime was during th American Revolution. 

After overcoming my initial shock of the reality of it all, I began to realize that is was the only thing that ever made sense to me, it answered all the questions I had about why people do and think the things they do and think. 

If people carry these memories over from lifetime to lifetime, I could understand why we feel about certain people the way we do. If we remember how we related to people in the past and how they related to us , that would explain many of our relationships today.  

It wold also help us understand people of different ethnic and sexual preferences , if we realized at some period , we may have lived as  a different gender, race, or sexual orientation, it wold be hard to have any ill feelings toward those people today. 

I couldn’t wait to share what I had learned, I thought many people would be overjoyed at this new knowledge. 

Boy, was I wrong, my wife thought I had finally gone off the deep end and needed psychiatric help, a couple of the friends I had shared what I was planning on doing never believed a word of what I said. 

Man! What a let down. How I could I be so thrilled at what I discovered, the truth I had been seeking when everyone else was not only not interested but couldn’t comprehend anything I had experienced, and didn’t seem to care?

It didn’t deter me, I keep studying and learning, and over the years I have for the most part encountered the same response from those I have shared the knowledge  with.

Most people are stuck in their own little box, regardless of how open minded they proclaim to be, there are certain boundaries they won’t cross.

I have discovered the knowledge we acquire, especially in this field, is for our own spiritual growth and in many times no one else. They are on their own path and they will learn in their own time.

photo of the tree of life

Meeting your twin flame at The Tree of Life

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

In technology, we have made advances far superior to those that came before us, but, we have lagged behind in gaining or maintaining our spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures, and is available for book signings, and speaking engagements.

For more information, please consult his website,



The Case For Past Life Studies


Written by Gary Wonning

Many today don’t believe in reincarnation, especially in our western civilizations.

Those in the “New Thought” community are into all the various kinds of healing and spiritual modes, but many never consider the idea of reincarnation.

I suppose It is just too far out there to even consider. Many consider it taboo or not even possible, they are so hung up on being a body with a soul, instead of a soul with a body that many don’t even consider the possibility of having a soul.

They are so hung up on the material life that nothing else really matters. They have kicked God out of their life so life is all about buying the next new car or video game.

Even though they are rebelling against conventional religion,  and the beliefs held by most people, reincarnation is just too long a bridge to cross.

What if by studying who we were in the past it could open up a whole new area of understanding of why one acts and feels and believes as they do in their present existence.

What if while researching our past we discovered we were once a different race, or gender, or sexual orientation and  we believed entirely differently politically than we do today.

What if we were the black who suffered under slavery, or an Irishman who was once discriminated against.

What if we were the business man who struggled daily to provide an income to raise his family and who worried about providing an opportunity and income for tens, hundreds, or thousands of employees who depended on him daily  for their basic needs by working for him.

He knew that if he failed, many people would become unemployed and their families could go hungry.

We could discover we were a priest, or minister, rabbi or medicine man. How would that change our perspective?

Each and every life, regardless of how important it may seem, is valuable and it is not time wasted.  Many times living a life as a poor peasant is more valuable as learning is concerned than being the ruler of a great nation.

To me, the philosophy of reincarnation only makes sense, if it is true, then it could explain much of the issues we have in today’s world and if people understood all the lives they may have lead under different circumstances and different roles, people would finally understand other people and how they would feel if they were that person.

Couldn’t that change the world?

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

Journey to enlightenment

Searching beyond conventional wisdom. Open new avenues in your spiritual search.

In technology, we have made advances far superior to those that came before us, but, we have lagged behind in gaining or maintaining our spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures, and is available for book signings, and speaking engagements.

For more information, please consult his website,

The Journey to Reality

Journey to enlightenment

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Written by Gary Wonning

I found this fascinating after it all unfolded, at the time I never realized how or why it was unfolding and was upset at the way life was transpiring.

In 1967 I began driving for United Parcel Service, and by 1968 I had my own delivery area. I was pleased because it was near my hometown, the roads were good and I knew almost everyone I delivered to.

I joined the Air Force Reserve in 1963 at a local Air Force base and was assigned to become a load master after completing my training. During my basic training I received new orders placing me in Base Supply. Needless to say I was disappointed, I joined to Air Force because I wanted to fly, in Base Supply I would be handing out underwear to the people who flew.

I pouted for four years.

Soon nineteen sixty eight  arrived and my life was changing, marriage was in the future and since I only had a little over a year left in my enlistment it seemed I wouldn’t be called up for active duty, my how things can suddenly change.

I wasn’t unusual for my wing to be called to active duty and reality soon hit as we were called to active duty and were leaving in about a month.

My future wife and I had bought a house and was planning a wedding  July, we decided to go ahead and get married and move the wedding up to April, a couple of weeks before my deployment.

Despite being in the middle of the spring “wedding” season, everything worked perfectly and the wedding went off without a hitch.

My duffel bag was packed lying in the cornet of the bedroom when threes days before departure, I received a phone call, I wasn’t going to Vietnam, the Air Force had decided to only take the people on flying status and since I was in supply, they didn’t need me. It was then I realized if my orders hadn’t been changed in nineteen sixty-three, I would be on my way to Vietnam.

Unseen powers had changed my whole life five years ago.

More changes were coming. After calling my supervisor and informing him I would be back Monday morning, I was informed that since I was given a leave of absence, my delivery area was assigned to someone else and because of union rules I would need to take another area.

I was not happy, the area was in the southern part of the state and bordered the Ohio River.  It include Switzerland County, was forty miles from home and even though the roads were hilly, curvy and treacherous in the winter, I soon found the people were wonderful , I have never forgotten how nice the local citizens treated me.

Vevay, the country seat was quaint and very beautiful, especially in the autumn when all the leaves turned a golden and red color., and it had a friendly, familiar feel to it.

Several years later, after beginning my spiritual quest, I had occasion to visit Fredericksburg, Virginia.

A couple of years earlier, while under hypnosis, I discovered a past life where I lived in Fredericksburg before and during the  American Revolution.

As a child, I would always fantasize about being at Valley Force, when the Indiana weather  turned cold, I remember standing out in  a snow covered field and wonder what it would have been like during the cold winter our troops were stationed at that camp.

As I exited the freeway and drove into town, I noticed a cemetery on my left, I immediately thought, “What is the cemetery doing there? It wasn’t there the last time I was here.”

It was then I noticed the sign by the gate, it was a Civil war Cemetery, it wasn’t here the last time I was here.

Later I did see a Revolutionary War cemetery, some of the names sounded very familiar.

Another surprise, Vevay, Indian is  a small town along the Ohio River, as I drove down the main street of Fredericksburg I couldn’t help but notice how much it resembled Vevay, it was even on the banks of a river.

Vevay has a town called Rising Sun about thirty miles east of town, Frederickburg has an old restaurant/hotel on the east end of town, called the Rising Sun Inn., I couldn’t resist, I had lunch there, seemed like old home week.

I soon found the masonic lodge in town, while I was visiting it, everything seemed so familiar.

I realized that unseen powers had played a major role in all of this, I had been guided to play out this scenario to enlighten me and send me n a spiritual journey that goes on even today, forty years later.

Funny how life turns out.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

In technology, we have made advances far superior to those that came before us, but, we have lagged behind in gaining or maintaining our spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,




What are Soul Mates

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Written by Gary Wonning

We are often asked, “What are soul mates?”

Soul mates are souls that are on the same level of evolution and most often have lived many lifetimes together in one form of relationship or another. They have traveled many paths together and often recognize each other at first meeting. 

There are many reasons soul mates meet and come together. Soul mates come together to perform some life learning experience, assisting each other in that mission.  We often think of it as a boy/girl, husband/wife, or some romantic situation. 

Many times this is not the case, that sort of relationship is the strongest because male and female energy is combined, however working and platonic love relationships sometimes can be just as satisfying and accomplish what they came to earth to perform. 

Even though the energy is the strongest when male and female energies are combined, the energy can be strong when two souls of equal vibrational or evolution levels are similar, regardless of sexual orientation.

 On earth, there are different vibrational levels for male and female, in the spirit world all souls are androgynous.

The sexual preference is  determined when the soul decides to incarnate, and because we are without our “other” half, a sense of longing is created and thus our need to procreate is satisfied and the species continues. Without that desire, the human race would quickly die out and become extinct. 

We all can and normally do have many different types of soul mates, normally we will meet many of them during an incarnation.  The number can be infinite. As a soul becomes more evolved the number of soul mates can become limited, as fewer souls have evolved to the higher levels. 

The number of soul mates we meet in an incarnation can vary depending on what we incarnate to learn or accomplish. Often times, our mission is to learn to live without soul mates in our reality. 

In that instance, the soul may be learning that love can exist at any level and the soul is learning to be happy without the aid of a soul mate, discovering that we can love  souls from a higher or lower vibration, sort of like being alone in a strange town or environment and making new friends from different culture or ethnic groups. 

The soul is learning that love can exist between souls with a different vibration than their own, learning that love is what connects all. 

photo of the tree of life

The Tree of Life, time between time.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

While we have advanced technically far superior to those that came before us, we have lagged behind in spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome





Twin Flames: Are They For Real?

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Written by Gary Wonning

There has been much discussion about Twin Flames, who they are, and even if they exist.

Even today, there are many who believe there is no such thing as a twin flame, or twin soul.

As we become more spiritually in tune, more and more information is revealed to us from our higher source and as a result our learning continues.

Among most people, there has been little doubt that on some level they do exist, eventually, you can’t ignore the feelings of your soul.

We can only learn higher knowledge as we advance up the ladder of learning, slowly, taking each step as it comes, advancing along life’s path. 

We eventually learn, and it becomes part of our belief system that  are all souls  have a body, we are not bodies that have a soul. The real us never dies, we are immortal. It is only the physical body that dies and remains on earth, leaving behind memories of who we were in that particular incarnation.

After exiting the physical body, the soul and spirit live on as energy.

As we know, energy cannot be destroyed, once it is  created, it can only change shape and or form.

The soul is capable of dividing into different entities if it so chooses and once it has advanced spiritually.

To the question as to whether there are twin flames, I like the following analogy.

The best way to maybe explain a soul is to compare it to a clump of grapes, with a soul being the clump of grapes. 

Then you compare each lifetime to an individual grape. When a soul, or a portion of the soul reincarnates, it breaks free from the clump, travels to earth or elsewhere, does it’s thing, learns the lessons it was sent to learn and then returns to the clump, and relates to the others what it has experienced, much like we do on the physical level when we return from a vacation.

Being a part of the clump, the individual spirit or energy remembers being united with the group soul, and begins looking for other aspects of it’s being so it can once again reunite with itself, so to speak. 

Thus, the concept of twin souls is created. This searching creates much conflict on planet earth and can lead to discord in relationships.

We often look at the concept as there only being one twin flame, in reality, there can be as many as the soul determines it wants to have inhabiting physical life at one particular time.

 All the lives of a spirit can be accessed by the incarnated soul,  which explains why sometimes multiple people access the same lives when under regression. 

When different spirits of the same soul incarnate, they each benefit from what the other aspect encounters and learns. That is the reason one soul may have several “parts” in physical life at one time. 

Since all time is happening simultaneously, all souls are omnipresent, they can be anywhere and everywhere at once. That is why we can speak to our departed friends and family, even though they are off in another lifetime somewhere, part of them still exist in the spirit world and are  thereby accessible to us.

Incarnating into multiple, concurrent lives, a soul could evolve much faster by gathering more experience and positive energy. 

A soul incarnated into multiple persons could fulfill very complex plans to help humanity’s spiritual evolution. On a personal level, we often pick our life partners on the basis of what our life plan is, when we pick the wrong partner for the wrong reasons, it messes up our whole life plan and things can never be right until we find the right partner. 

In the case of twin flames, the idea that hurting others means hurting yourself is literally true. 

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome


Are Extraterrestrials Our Spirit Guides?

Written by Gary Wonning

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

We often wonder where extraterrestrials come from, who they are, and what is our relationship to them.

How do they travel those vast distances and how do they appear out of thin air and then disappear so fast when pursued by military aircraft. They seem to be traveling thousands of miles per hour, and even then, they suddenly disappear in plain sight of trained pilots and ground observers.

There must be something we are missing, they don’t seem to be following the same natural laws of physics as we do here on planet earth. If they did, they would be unable to function as they do.

I believe what we are missing is many don’t actually live in the physical world as we humans do, and they have learned to teleport and only manifest when they enter the earth’s atmosphere.

I believe we humans do the same when we come into physical form after being in the spirit world, in other words, we gather what we need to exist on earth from the elements of the earth.

Isn’t that what we do while we are in the womb?

We need to stop thinking as humans having a soul and begin thinking as a soul that has a body would think. Our thinking has become obsolete, and we have put ourselves in a box. 

Embrace change, but keep your values

Our visitors come from many different solar systems, planet and realities, it’s not a one size fits all situation. They come for many various reasons and agendas. 

Some wish us harm, but I believe most are here to learn about our cultures and also to guide us in our spiritual advancement and learning, not only do we advance but by us advancing in our evolvement, we advance everyone else in the universe and thereby enable every soul to eventually return to Source.

I’ve heard them tell me they are our future, what does that mean? In that respect, they need us to advance so they (we) can exist in the future. If we don’t (do it right), neither we or they will have a future.

They are here to guide us so we don’t destroy ourselves and them in the process if we cease to exist, they also no longer exist.

Even the so-called evil ones, who would do us harm are here for the same purpose. 

That purpose is to teach us to stand up to evil and do the right thing, regardless of how we think the outcome will be. 

It’s all about positive forces and thoughts overcoming the negative forces and thoughts we all deal with on a daily basis. 

Only when we encounter and overcome the negativity and fear in life, will love reign supreme. 

It is then the earth will welcome a new level of thought, the Christ Consciousness in what many believe will be the second coming.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome


Out Of Body Experience at Bell Rock

photo of the Egyptian Sphinx at sunset

Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Sometimes we experience something and it is so profound it takes years before we totally understand it.

It can take years for the mind to totally comprehend everything that has transpired so knowledge comes in bits and pieces until the pieces of the puzzle all come together.

Several years ago, during my first visit to Sedona Arizona, I had a UFO, out of body experience, at Bell Rock.

photo of bell rock

The Bell Rock Vortex

As I drove past the rock,  I felt compelled to stop and spend some time.  Exiting the car I began walking towards the monolith, I  began feeling extremely light and could not feel my body except at the knees.

When I looked up at the top of the vortex, with the intention of taking some photos,  I saw giant sparks leaving the top of the rock. Somehow I realized they were “clumps” of energy entering the atmosphere.

They were actually souls that had arrived from other worlds, they came in through the Bell Rock vortex, a portal, or entryway between dimensions, and formed everything they needed to survive on planet earth. A physical body and a spaceship from the elements on earth so they could take on a physical appearance.

They didn’t travel through space in a UFO, as most assume, they teleported and then accumulated what they needed to survive from the earth’s atmosphere.

A similar event had occurred during my first past life regression several years earlier.

After entering the trance, the first past life I encountered was in ancient Egypt.

I found myself standing on the giant pyramid of Giza, I suddenly felt I was creating my body by drawing elements from the earth.

I didn’t come here on a ship, I teleported and created everything I needed after I arrived on planet earth.

It seems places like the pyramids and Bell Rock are energy sources and portals where we can more easily enter or leave the planet by gaining the necessary elements we need to survive while here.

In that same regression, as I entered the earth I sensed I was going towards the light, a common sensation many feel when they have a near-death experience.

It seems we go towards the light when we reincarnate, just as people report going towards the light when they have a near-death experience.

It is also believed when a  soul passes from a physical existence and returns home, they pass through the light, or as some say, they pass the sun on their way to Home.

Obviously, the light in some way symbolizes our making a transition from one dimension of reality to another.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

How Do Extraterrestrials Travel To Other Planets?


You often hear different opinions on the popular TV show”Ancient Aliens”, and many other sources about how extraterrestrials are able to travel large distances and appear on foreign planets.

Most often the theory involves somehow genetically engineering the human body to enable it to go long periods of time traveling through space without aging or even dying in the process.

While this is possible and may even be the way some accomplish the feat, it isn’t the most practical, or the method used by most ETs.

The most common method used is teleportation.

Through teleportation, the soul is able to think where it wants to go, then it transforms it’s body to the new environment and forms a new body by accumulating the elements from the host planet.

It is then able to acquire everything it needs in order to survive in the new environment.

If someone traveled to another planet that was hostile to their native body, they would not survive very long regardless of the precautions they took.

Only by assimilating the elements they needed from their new environment would they have the necessary physical body to survive.

Although the popular method of traveling to other star systems could and probably does work for many, the easiest, best and most logical method is through teleportation.

Join one person’s personal spiritual journey

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

The Truth About the Twin Soul



Reprinted from Sabrina, the links are at the end of the article.

You will not find your twin soul outside of yourself. The twin soul is inside of you. In the simplest terms, we have a higher soul and a lower soul. Our higher soul stays in the higher vibrating dimensions within our energy fields, while another part of our soul descends into a physical body. The higher soul is positive and maintains a heavenly state of consciousness, while our lower soul descends into the Earth plane where we take on an enormous amount of density. Our higher selves are our twin souls and the purpose of our existence in physicality is to reunite with this higher aspect of our beings through the process of soul ascension. In order for a soul to ascend in consciousness, it is necessary for the soul to descend into a physical body. This is how we become Gods; we descend to learn so we can ascend. Each one of us are Gods in training and we are learning how to be a God by being given free will or the choice to choose in a world where there is both evil (darkness) and love (light). Our spiritual soul is love. Our human soul has been given the “potential” to be evil. If you are really honest with your self and you are willing to observe and comprehend your life….you will know that this is true. We all have the potential for evil to consume us or we have the potential to overcome it and not allow it to work within us.

Evil spelled backwards is live. When we live backwards from our higher souls and we live from the shadows of our egos this creates ignorance within our beings where we “ignore” the things within us that we need to change. Our egos, or the inner impostors within, are fear-filled aspects of our lower souls. Our egos are not one energy form, they are legions of psychic energies we have created that block us from the light and greater awareness of our higher souls. These egos are our karmic inheritance and not only do we inherit them due to the actions from our previous existences we also create more every time we take on a physical body and we loose control over the quality of our minds. Negative thoughts, negative words, negative actions, negative choices that are not in alignment with our higher souls create negative minds which create negative lives for ourselves. Evil is the absence of light. Whenever we make a “light” filled choice we increase our light. Whenever we make a shadowy choice we increase our darkness. Shadowy choices are made because we do not have a good relationship with our higher souls….we have a stronger relationship with our lower souls and the egos within. Humanity as a whole spends more time suppressing our higher consciousness than we do expanding it and that is the truth of this world.

So for those of us wanting to increase our light so we can have a deeper relationship with God – we will naturally want to connect with our twin soul, which is our higher soul, who has a direct connection to the highest level of our beings which is our Monad, our Elohim Self or our God Self. In order to accomplish this we will need to slay the dragons within (or the many egos within) that distort our perception and the way we see and interact in this world. If we want to reunite and merge into oneness with this higher aspect of our ourselves we will need to earn it through the process of soul purification. In order to purify ourselves we must first pull ourselves out of denial about the distortions within. It is not enough for us to simply label these distortions; we must transform these distortions into a NEW form of energy. We must alchemcalize our souls or in other words we must turn our lead (darkness) into gold (activate the christ mind).

There are many people who believe that their twin soul is outside of themselves and there are many teachings that support this very distorted belief. This is an egoic distraction and an egoic teaching that keeps people from doing the work within. People would rather look outside of themselves for their saviour, for that missing part of themselves than go within to do the work necessary to actually activate it within themselves. Only through direct experience of merging into oneness with their twin soul will people truly understand the significance of this “energetic awakening.” The twin flame or twin soul reunion is powerfully transformative and it is the process of the teachings in the “Raise Your Vibration Book”. The emphasis on the “Raise Your Vibration” teachings is to purify the soul, to raise the vibrational frequencies of the emotional, mental and physical bodies so we can grow our spiritual bodies and this process eventually culminates in the kundalini ascending so we can merge into oneness with our higher selves/higher souls – which is the twin flame reunion.

After a soul has purified themselves to a certain level and they have begun to slay the dragon or the egos within – The Ida (Eve) and the Pingala (Adam) will become entwined (en”twin”ed) where they both ascend upwards along the spine into the brain. The Ida, which is represented as Eve (who has the potential to be “ev”il) must overcome the fallen serpent within and turn it around so the fallen serpent can now rise upwards/ascend up the spinal column. Our mission as a soul, who has incarnated into physicality, is to merge these two energies of masculine (Adam) and feminine (Eve) through kundalini ascension where the fire of our twin flame can be ignited and brought into unification so it can then descend into our physical bodies where we will be illuminated with the energy of our beloved “divine self” or higher soul so we can become an activated child of God, a christed soul, a purified soul that is no longer a child of darkness that serves the ego.

So our twin flame is within. We have been energetically separated from this aspect of ourselves when we descended into physicality. One aspect of our soul remained in the spiritual dimensions of our spiritual body and the other aspect of our soul incarnated into a physical body. The reason everyone is wanting to find their “twin flame or their twin soul” is because our higher souls are calling our lower souls forward to do the “GREAT WORK” of liberating our souls from the clutches of our egoic/serpentine consciousness that keeps us enslaved to the world of physicality. In order to accomplish this great task we must go within and clean up our soul energy! Stop looking for your twin soul outside of your self! It is beautiful and actually very helpful for those of us choosing to ascend in consciousness to have a loving, physical partner to share and grow with in physicality but this physical partner is not a twin soul. These partners are our soul mates and they can be a beautiful and oftentimes a painful part of our souls growth and purification process. However, I can tell you through my own direct experience that no one except your twin soul or your higher self can truly give you the love your soul is truly seeking. It is YOUR love that you seek, so go within and free it from the entrapments of your ego. When you liberate this energy in your being and you merge into oneness with your higher soul/twin soul the agape love, the spiritual love is indescribable. It is transformative, purifying, expansive, unconditional, humbling, awe inspiring and completely satisfying. And when our relationship with our higher soul/twin soul is right….every relationship in physicality will be right as well.

The twin soul/higher soul love is what we need on this planet. We need this love to help us transform our personal worlds and our external worlds so we can bring humanity into a higher state of consciousness. It is stated that “Heaven will be made on Earth” and it is us who will create it. This is why there is so much talk and desire to find the twin soul because our planet has moved into a very high vibrational energy where we are in the process of creating a New Earth. Our higher souls are calling us forward, they are inspiring us, but we must do the work! So if you want to truly ascend in consciousness the first level of energetic ascension is kundalini ascension – the spiritual fire of the Holy Spirit (kundalini mother) that will rise up the spine where she will reunite with her husband (Father God) where there will be a mystical marriage and twin flame reunion. They will then descend back into the physical body giving birth to the Christ Child (son) within us. Hence, Father/Son/Holy Spirit become ONE. This is God/ddess Within. This is Christ Within. This is Twin Flame Within. This is Adam Kadmon Within. In order to accomplish this we must slay the dragon which is also within! Everything is within. -© Sabrina Reber

“All men dream of their princess and women dream of their prince, their twin soul. Where is our twin soul? Indeed our twin soul is inside, it is the spiritual soul that should mate perfectly with our inner human nature. Never the less, in order to find that spiritual mate, that union, we have to develop our human soul first. Our real twin soul is inside of us.” Excerpt from Gnostic Teachings





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Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

A Journey into a new age of enlightenment

The Pleiadians on Personal Responsibility

According to Pleiadian thought, spiritual growth is the responsibility of the individual.

Accepting this fact is a sign of spiritual growth for we must take responsibility for our lives and the actions and choices that we make.

Yes, there have been messengers who have come teaching us about the truth of why we are alive on planet Earth, but we wind up worshiping the individual and not heeding the message after they die.

The messages and teachings get twisted and distorted as they drift further and further away from the original truth.

Human egos then become more involved, secrets are kept, and the people become “sheeple,” as they are led around like sheep.

The Pleiadians say that one evolves by connecting with Creation and studying the natural world.

When The natural world follows the laws of Creation, harmony, and peace are achieved.

The Pleidians teach that knowledge is the key to a spiritual life because that knowledge applied can be wisdom.

Knowledge in and of itself is nothing. This is the basis for the Pleiadian “religion.” The Pleidians encourage humanity to seek a religion of knowledge so that we can evolve and obey the laws of creation. It is crucial to gain knowledge of life and to develop an understanding of the nature of the universe in which we live. This understanding of how and why reality functions as it is the key to evolution and the connection with Creation.

An excerpt from the excellent book

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome