Young Living: Need An Energy Boost

Young Living Founder and Chairman of the Board D. Gary Young was traveling the world 23 years ago seeking the natural secrets of longevity, energy, and vitality, when he was introduced to the powerful wolfberry found in China’s remote Ningxia region. For centuries residents of this region have enjoyed the astonishing wellness-supporting benefits of wolfberries (also known as goji berries), but due to the region’s isolation, knowledge of this remarkable superfruit has remained relatively hidden from Western culture. Gary began finding out all he could about the wolfberry and soon learned that Chinese biochemists at the Ningxia Institute of Nutrition had found it to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Gary became convinced that this superfruit needed to be made available to the world.

By combining selectively sourced Ningxia wolfberries, superfruit extracts, and pure essential oils, Gary created Young Living’s proprietary NingXia Red®. This delicious beverage has made its way into homes of members across the globe and has expanded into an entire line of NingXia Red products. When incorporated into your daily wellness routine, NingXia Red products can support energy levels, eye health, whole-body wellness, help fight against oxidative stress, and support normal cellular function.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Need An Energy Boost


How Do Diseases Form?

Written by Gary Wonning

We often wonder why bad things happen to good people.  Not only does this apply to tragedy which at one time or another affects each and every one of us. 

It also applies to disease, we often wonder why many are beset with illness when others seem to escape life with never  been sick a day in their life. 

Sometimes life just doesn’t seem to be fair. 

As is often been said, there is a reason for everything: and life is fair, we get what we ask for. 

When you reincarnate to the physical plane you are vulnerable to low vibration energies. Due to the challenges you had with them in previous lives, you retained traumas caused by those negativities.

In order to increase your vibration and rise above the challenges life presents you, you need to overcome those traumas and vulnerabilities.

Consequently, you bring illnesses or diseases with you to this life as opportunities to grow spiritually and increase your understanding of “yourself”.

What a beautiful definition of illnesses: opportunities to evolve spiritually!  This is something we all should learn as well.

On planet earth, the giant school house of life, we design a life that brings us the opportunity to face our fears and overcome them. That which you fear the most is that which you need to overcome. 

On some level of consciousness, we all know that we create our life, we all have free will. Deep down, we all know this, but we often hide it from ourselves because realizing we have brought our hardships on ourself is too big a pill for most to acknowledge. It’s is easier to blame someone else or God. We think God has big shoulders. 

There are no short cuts, blaming God or someone else will only prolong the agony, until we each face up to the reality that we all have free will and we choose the life and the challenges we face, the fears and issues will never go away, anything else is just a band aid, and eventually it will rot and fall away, once again exposing the original karma.

At the spiritual level, you know when you come into the physical realm and develop as a human being you are vulnerable, and you will attract a specific type of negative energy. As a result, you fight your own battles and when you prevail, you free yourself from that or those low vibration energies and the symptoms disappear. Your illnesses heal and you have a better life.

There are no accidents in life, we choose our life to resolve issues we may have, once those issues are resolves, our life gets better.  Any illness can be cured, as long as the physical body is still strong enough to survive. 

We enter our physical journey to begin our  own Journey to Enlightenment

Journey to enlightenment

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

In technology, we have made advances far superior to those that came before us, but, we have lagged behind in gaining or maintaining our spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,


Young Living: Purification


Ditch overpowering and harsh chemical-based sprays and keep your home smelling fresh and clean with Young Living’s Purification® essential oil. This blend is made up of six essential oils for the ultimate weapon against odors. Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree work together to create a refreshing, bright scent that keeps you and your family happy and comfortable.

With Purification oil, you’ll never need to feel embarrassed by bad odors from cooking, laundry, pets, or anything else life throws your way. Diffuse it throughout your house or use a more targeted approach so you always feel confident in your home, in the car, or on the go!



Growing up on a dairy farm in southeastern Indiana, Gary traveled very little until midlife, when the opportunity became available to him.
Grabbing his camera and a bag full of equipment, he began his vision quest traveling to most areas of the United States and several countries abroad.
Along the way he collected several thousand photographs that he wants to share with everyone.
Gary decided the best way to accomplish his goal was to publish photo documentaries on the various areas of the world he has visited.
What will follow will be several photography books, who knows how many will wind up in his collection.
To contact Gary:

Young Living Essential Oils: Lemon Vitality

Lemon Vitality

Lemon Vitality is a great way to save time in the kitchen, offering fresh flavor and natural benefits of Lemon without the zesting, pitting, cutting and squeezing. The versatile flavor of Lemon Vitality makes it a great addition to foods of all kinds including chicken, fish, salad dressings, smoothies, cookies and cakes. It’s a key ingredient in Thieves®, NingXia Red®, and Inner Defense™, and includes the powerful and naturally-occurring compound limonene.


Young Living: Beauty Masque

The A.R.T® Beauty Masque is a premium blend of exotic orchid petals and pure essential oils that nourishes and fortifies the most delicate areas of the face. Infused with Young Living’s Stress Away™ blend, the Beauty Masque exudes a relaxing fragrance, and encourages you to enjoy your own home-spa experience. Suitable for all skin types.


Growing up on a dairy farm in southeastern Indiana, Gary traveled very little until midlife, when the opportunity became available to him.
Grabbing his camera and a bag full of equipment, he began his vision quest traveling to most areas of the United States and several countries abroad.
Along the way he collected several thousand photographs that he wants to share with everyone.
Gary decided the best way to accomplish his goal was to publish photo documentaries on the various areas of the world he has visited.
What will follow will be several photography books, who knows how many will wind up in his collection.
To contact Gary:


Young Living : Panaway

Formulated by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, this best-selling blend of Wintergreen, Helichryseum, Clove and Peppermint has a stimulating, yet soothing aroma. Apply it topically after exercise, or add to V-6™ and apply to your neck and back. Panaway features the naturally-occurring constituents menthol, eugenol, methyl salicylate and gamma-curcumene.

Every Day Oils For Every Time

What are essential oils,
and why use them?

Essential oils are natural, aromatic liquids found in plants that have been used for thousands of years in cultures all across the world. Essential oils are a natural way to support a healthy lifestyle, help maintain physical and emotional wellness, clean and purify your home, care for your hair and skin, and promote spirituality.

Why choose Young Living
everyday oils?

When it comes to essential oils – farming, distilling, and sourcing is everything! Young Living has carefully curated farms all over the world, and uses a proprietary Seed to Seal® Process that produces the most authentic essential oils available today.

Unlike other essential oils on the market that rely on chemicals and processing, Young Living oils are never diluted, cut, or adulterated in any way. Using a proprietary, low-temperature distillation process that’s entirely chemical-free, Young Living sets the standard for purity, potency, and authenticity.

Try them today! For more Information.





Young Living Dental Pet Chews

You love your pets like family, so of course you want to share the goodness of Young Living with them! Animal Scents® Dental Pet Chews are tasty treats that support oral health with specially designed ridges that gently remove buildup on your pet’s teeth. Oral care is just as important for your furry friends as it is for you, and now maintaining a happy and clean mouth is as simple and easy as tossing your pet an Animal Scents Dental Pet Chew!

Because we know you want to give your pet the very best, we made these snacks without artificial colors and flavors. Sound like something you and your pet can agree on? Support your pet’s oral care with this simple snack!

A portion of all proceeds from Animal Scents products goes to support Vital Ground, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the habitat of grizzly bears and other wide-roaming wildlife.

Pet Chews

Growing up on a dairy farm in southeastern Indiana, Gary traveled very little until midlife, when the opportunity became available to him.

Grabbing his camera and a bag full of equipment, he began his vision quest traveling to most areas of the United States and several countries abroad.

Along the way he collected several thousand photographs that he wants to share with everyone.

Gary decided the best way to accomplish his goal was to publish photo documentaries on the various areas of the world he has visited.

What will follow will be several photography books, who knows how many will wind up in his collection.

To contact Gary:




Young Living Essential Oils: Purification


Ditch overpowering and harsh chemical-based sprays and keep your home smelling fresh and clean with Young Living’s Purification® essential oil. This blend is made up of six essential oils for the ultimate weapon against odors. Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree work together to create a refreshing, bright scent that keeps you and your family happy and comfortable.

With Purification oil, you’ll never need to feel embarrassed by bad odors from cooking, laundry, pets, or anything else life throws your way. Diffuse it throughout your house or use a more targeted approach so you always feel confident in your home, in the car, or on the go!

Topical: Apply 2-4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.

Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily.

Caution: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place.

Purify your environment, eliminate unpleasant odors

Created by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, this blend was crafted to purify the air. Purification combines Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree to uplift and invigorate the atmosphere.
The plant sources for these oils come from many exotic and beautiful locations: Lemongrass is native to India, Guatemala, and other tropical countries; and Citronella originated in Sri Lanka. Purification utilizes these natural resources to brighten and freshen up any space.

Try it today!

Young Living :Sunshine in a Bottle

Supplement your body and your recipes with our new Vitality lines. It’s flavor and nutrition in perfect harmony.

With hundreds of singles, blends, and Vitality oils to choose from, Young Living has essential oils for everyone. Ask your Young Living personal wellness consultant to help you choose, or explore some of our most popular and versatile essential oils…

  • Bergamot Vitality
  • Citrus Fresh™ Vitality
  • Grapefruit Vitality
  • Jade Lemon™ Vitality
  • Lemon Vitality
  • Lime Vitality
  • Orange Vitality
  • Tangerine Vitality

Sunshine in a Bottle, improve your health, improve your life

With hundreds of singles, blends, and Vitality oils to choose from, Young Living has essential oils for everyone. Ask your Young Living personal wellness consultant to help you choose, or explore some of our most popular and versatile essential oils…