You Know You’re Getting Old When


You Know You’re Getting Old When…

Everything hurts and what doesn’t hurt doesn’t work.

The gleam in your eye is from the sun hitting your bifocals.

You feel like you were out all night but haven’t been anywhere.

You get winded playing cards.

Your little black book contains only names ending in MD.

You join a health club and don’t have the strength to go.

A dripping faucet causes an uncontrollable bladder urge.

You look forward to a dull evening.

You need glasses to find your glasses.

You get your hearing aid mixed up with the suppository.

You turn out the lights for economic rather than romantic reasons.

You sit in a rocking chair and can’t get it going.

Your knees buckle but your belt won’t.

Your back goes out more than you do.

You have too much room in the house and not enough in the medicine

You sink your teeth in a steak and they stay there.

Growing up on a dairy farm in southeastern Indiana, Gary traveled very little until midlife, when the opportunity became available to him.

photo fo two people, a child and an adult looking at a sunset over the ocean

Life was a lot slower and simpler in the fifties and sixties.

Grabbing his camera and a bag full of equipment, he began his vision quest traveling to most areas of the United States and several countries abroad.

Along the way he collected several thousand photographs that he wants to share with everyone.

Gary decided the best way to accomplish his goal was to publish photo documentaries on the various areas of the world he has visited.

What will follow will be several photography books, who knows how many will wind up in his collection.

To contact Gary:

Casey Key: Nokomis Florida

Photography by Gary Wonning

The narrow island of Casey Key is one of Sarasota’s hidden gems, an isolated and exclusive enclave just off the sleepy mainland town of Nokomis.

It’s easy to pass by this hidden gem, relativity unknown to the general public, this gem is truly a paradise on earth.


Art Prints

With white crystal sands and quiet beaches it is truly the playground of the rich and famous. Seldom does one see more than just a few beach goers on this tiny island.

The only public beach is on the south end, the rest can be classified as public, but, there are no parking places, making them almost inaccessible to everyone but residents. 


Art Prints

Growing up on a dairy farm in southeastern Indiana, Gary traveled very little until midlife, when the opportunity became available to him.

Grabbing his camera and a bag full of equipment, he began his vision quest traveling to most areas of the United States and several countries abroad.

Along the way he collected several thousand photographs that he wants to share with everyone.

Gary decided the best way to accomplish his goal was to publish photo documentaries on the various areas of the world he has visited.

What will follow will be several photography books, who knows how many will wind up in his collection.

To contact Gary:


The Birth of Moses In Egyptian Lore

photo of shriner walking up masonic stairs

The Masonic Influence on World History

Written by Gary Wonning

There is often, according to which train of thought you follow, there a dispute about Moses’s heritage; he could have been a Semite, a Hyksos, or an Egyptian. Regardless of whether he was a Semite, a Hyksos, or an Egyptian.

He led his people out of Egypt and much of what the Hebrews knew and believed came from this event.

Moses was learned in the wisdom of the Egyptians, he would have known of the great secrets and knowledge of Seqenenre, and the secrets of resurrecting a new king.

Seqenenre was an Egyptian legend that corresponds closely with the legend of Hiram Abiff in Masonic Lore. 

Undoubtedly, this made a great impression on Moses and he would have relayed it to the ruling class and it eventually became the secret rite of passage for making a new king in the land of Israel and was passed onto the royal line of David.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

In technology, we have made advances far superior to those that came before us, but, we have lagged behind in gaining or maintaining our spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,


Photography Prints

The Cairo Museum

Egypt, Land of Pharaohs

Mysterious Egypt, land of a thousand years

Written by Gary Wonning

The Cairo Museum.

A person  could spend a week in the Cairo Museum and not see everything.

Egyptian artifact

Ramses two in Cairo Museum

Located in the heart of Cairo and despite the horrendous traffic, visiting it is time well spent and the experience of a lifetime. 

On display in this building is found some of the most amazing artifacts man has ever seen. Herein contained are objects from ancient Egyptian history dating back as far as 5,000 years. If you are planning on visiting Egypt, plan on spending as least three days in this incredible building.

museum of antiquities

World famous Cairo Museum

Not one who is normally fascinated with museums, I was blown away by what I saw. Objects are on display from practically every dynasty and era of Egyptian history.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

In technology, we have made advances far superior to those that came before us, but, we have lagged behind in gaining or maintaining our spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Sedona: Bell Rock

Written by Gary Wonning


Undoubtedly, the most famous landmark in Sedona is Bell Rock. Quietly guarding the entrance to Sedona in the town of Village of Oak Creek, this vortex holds a mystery all its own.

Bell Rock is located on Hwy 179, just north of the Village of Oak Creek (5 miles south of the junction of Hwy 89A and 179). Its distinct shape makes it easy to spot and parking and trails are clearly visible. You will notice that the energy is strong as soon as you get out of your car. You don’t have to do any climbing to feel the energy at this vortex. Notice the twisted Juniper trees all over Bell Rock. The energy at this vortex is very powerful and strengthens all three parts: the masculine side, the feminine side, and the balance.


Photography Prints


Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

In technology, we have made advances far superior to those that came before us, but, we have lagged behind in gaining or maintaining our spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Young Living: Vitality Pak

Discover bright and diverse flavors with the Young Living Vitality Culinary Kit! This collection is your passport to a world of flavor—with six of our most popular Vitality oils. Start infusing your recipes with the taste of citrus, floral, mint, and herbal hardiness. The kit also features a collection of Young Living-branded kitchen utensils and tools, so your kitchen transformation can truly be complete!

The Vitality Culinary Cookbook features recipes for every occasion, including Thai-style lettuce wraps, cheesy sweet potato bites, blueberry-lavender ice cream, and a host of delicious dishes and tantalizing treats. Once you see how much better the world tastes with essential oils, you’ll want to give Vitality a permanent spot in your spice cabinet!

God will Provide

God Will Provide

A young woman brings home her fiance to meet her parents.
After dinner, her mother tells her father to find out about the young man. The father invites the fiancée to his study for a

“So what are your plans?” the father asks the young man.

“I am a Torah scholar,” he replies.

“A Torah scholar. Hmmm,” the father says. “Admirable, but what will you do to provide a nice house for my daughter to live
in, as she’s accustomed to?”

“I will study,” the young man replies, “and God will provide for us.”

“And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring, such as she deserves?” asks the father.

“I will concentrate on my studies,” the young man replies, “God will provide for us.”

“And children?” asks the father. “How will you support children?”

“Don’t worry, sir, God will provide,” replies the fiancée.

The conversation proceeds like this, and each time the father questions, the young idealist insists that God will provide.
Later, the mother asks, “How did it go, Honey?”

The father answers, “He has no job and no plans, but the good news is he thinks I’m God.”

Growing up on a dairy farm in southeastern Indiana, Gary traveled very little until midlife, when the opportunity became available to him.

Grabbing his camera and a bag full of equipment, he began his vision quest traveling to most areas of the United States and several countries abroad.

Along the way he collected several thousand photographs that he wants to share with everyone.

Gary decided the best way to accomplish his goal was to publish photo documentaries on the various areas of the world he has visited.

What will follow will be several photography books, who knows how many will wind up in his collection.

To contact Gary:

Cocoa Beach Florida

photo of Siesta Key beach

A photo story of the sunshine state, Florida

Cocoa Beach is  south of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. It’s a gateway to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. The city is known for its beach and surf breaks. Inside a surf shop, the Florida Surf Museum traces the sport’s local history. Nearby Cocoa Beach Pier has eateries and shops. The maritime forest at oceanfront Lori Wilson Park attracts birdlife.

 Named for the chocolate brown sand,the city of Cocoa Beach’s roots are said to lie in the hands of freed slaves in the post-Civil War era.  Ais Native Americans once inhabited the area, a family of freed slaves established the first colony on Cocoa Beach, according to city of Cocoa Beach records. The documents state a hurricane displaced the original settlers.


Growing up on a dairy farm in southeastern Indiana, Gary traveled very little until midlife, when the opportunity became available to him.

Grabbing his camera and a bag full of equipment, he began his vision quest traveling to most areas of the United States and several countries abroad.

Along the way he collected several thousand photographs that he wants to share with everyone.

Gary decided the best way to accomplish his goal was to publish photo documentaries on the various areas of the world he has visited.

What will follow will be several photography books, who knows how many will wind up in his collection.

To contact Gary:


How Do We Create Our Human Life


Written by Gary Wonning

Often times, when discussing free will with others , they will agree that we all have free will, the freedom to choose how and where to live our lives. 

But suddenly the barriers go up when we suggest we have free will and by having that freedom, we choose where and to whom we are born. Suddenly, that is God’s choice and we have nothing to do with it. 

How can we have free will to live our lives as we choose and not have the freedom to choose into what circumstances we are born?

Free will is free will, either we have it or we don’t. 

I suppose if you want to get philosophical, we can choose to not have free will, but I’m not sure how that works. 

In the general scheme of things, we create our life on earth by choosing and activating different versions of our life that has already been created at the spirit level of your consciousness, sort of like pre-programming  your television. 

Our thoughts, beliefs and what we imagine all go into this decision, along with what we desire to improve in our soul learning.

We actually project the thoughts we have imagined, thought and decided. 

We all have infinite possibilities and it is though our thoughts, we change our reality and life. We choose a general path before we enter the earthly existence, choosing wealth, poverty, freedom, enslavement , etc. all for our soul growth and enlightenment and have the ability to change our life path at any time.  

For some this is hard to grasp, that we would personally chose a life of hard times for the betterment of ourselves, they want to blame it on God or some other entity so they can remove all personal responsibility. 

It is only when one realizes they have chosen this life plan that they begin to realize the power of self realization, and as their soul growth begins, they begin to move away from self punishment and begin to realize they are entitled to much more positivity in their life. 

Journey to enlightenment

A journey into the unknown. Open new avenues in your spiritual journey

We begin to realize that life is an illusion, life only exists in our perception of life, many times our perception is quite different than the person sitting beside us. 

We each live our own reality, it is our reality alone. 

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

In technology, we have made advances far superior to those that came before us, but, we have lagged behind in gaining or maintaining our spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,


Lessons Learned in Sedona: Our Spiritual Life

photo of Bell Rock in Sedona ARizona

The portals of Sedona

Written by Gary Wonning

So many people are  wrapped up in pursuing the material things in life they forget about what is really important.

We all like, and deservedly so want nice things in our life, and we deserve those. But in the process, we forget what is really important.

I lived in a town where almost everyone one worked at the local casket factory where hundreds of caskets were produced every day.

I have seen many of them roll off the assembly line, I have yet to see one with a trailer hitch on the back. We can’t take our earthly possessions with us.

We need to understand it is our spiritual life that is the most important. What the soul learns it retains. The physical, material part of life is secondary, whatever we have, we will eventually lose, wealth or poverty isn’t important, it how we react to it, is what is important.

It seems to me, in most cases, the people who are the most successful in life and lead the most fulfilling lives are the ones who adhere to their spiritual beliefs, regardless if they are Christian, Jewish , or one of the may other beliefs in our world.

When we have our spiritual life in order, the physical life will fall in line and reality will become just what we would want.

Gary has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, while studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America and the aborigines of

Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has observed that many of the forgotten cultures had spiritual beliefs that were stronger than ours in modern times.

In technology, we have made advances far superior to those that came before us, but, we have lagged behind in gaining or maintaining our spiritual knowledge.

For us to advance as the human race, we need to combine the spiritual knowledge of those that came before us, not only that of the ancients but the knowledge of our direct ancestors as well, with the technical knowledge we have today for us to propel into the twenty-first century and beyond.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,