To Forgive, But Not Forgetting

Art Prints

Written by Gary Wonning

Many times people tell us we should forgive someone regardless of what transgression they have committed. It is the Godly thing to do.

Regardless of how much someone has damaged our reputation, livelihood, or good will we need to forgive them and go on with life.

But what does this mean? Should we just go on as if nothing has happened, turning the other cheek and accepting their behavior regardless of how it may harm someone else or our selves?

How many times do we turn the other cheek?

In each and every one of our lives, we all have someone who has done a great deal of harm to our individual lives. How do we deal with this?

These souls come into our lives so we may learn lessons and better understand not only our selves, but others as well. When do we say enough is enough, thereby releasing ourselves from them so we might both go on with life?

Many people will never change, they will always be who they are. That is their decision, they will continue to suffer the consequences of their actions as long as their behavior doesn’t change.

Sometimes people do change, they see the error of their ways and begin to lead a new and better life.

Regardless if they change or not, there comes a time when we need to forgive them and move on. That doesn’t mean we forget. There is a difference. Forgiving  means we realize they are human and make mistakes, we can love and accept the person for who he or she is, but we don’t have to condone their actions and spend time with them.

They can go their way and we can go ours. No harm, no foul.

You fool me once, it’s your fault, you fool me twice, it’s my fault.

Forgiving means to release and go on, it doesn’t mean we should spend more time with them if we choose not to. That is our choice.

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature, landscapes and studying native cultures. Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt, the Canary Islands, much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hardcover and Ebooks, and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated

George Koritzer

There is an extreme shortage of common sense in today’s world, I often think back to what my parents and grandparents believed and said, at the time I thought they were totally out of their mind and ignored it. I now wish I would have listened and followed their advice more often.
It is in this light I have decided to publish some of my random thoughts based on the views of our ancestors.


Getting into Heaven

Art Prints

“If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and
gave all my money to the church, would that get me into
Heaven?” I asked the children in my Sunday School class.

“NO!” the children all answered.

“If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and
kept everything neat and tidy, would that get me into Heaven?”

Again, the answer was, “NO!”

Well, then, if I was kind to animals and gave candy to all
the children, and loved my wife, would that get me into
Heaven?” I asked them again.

Again, they all answered, “NO!”

“Well, I continued, “then how can I get into Heaven?”

A five-year-old boy shouted out, “YOU GOTTA BE DEAD!”

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature, landscapes and studying native cultures. Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt, the Canary Islands, much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hardcover and Ebooks, and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated

church and state

There has been much debate over the years about what the founding fathers meant about the separation of church and state. In recent times there has been much disinformation about how they actually believed, especially George Washington. In this short Ebook the author tries to explain how they actually felt.

Stay close to God Premium Trinket Box
Stay close to God Premium Trinket Box by lifejourneysimages
Check out God Premium Gift Boxes online at zazzle

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Arizona’s Variety Landscape

Photography Prints


The Grand Canyon State, Arizona, the home of many western movies in the early fifties and sixties, features beautiful landscapes, vista, and scenery not seen anywhere else.

Running over to the brim with beautiful scenery, Arizona offers untold possibilities for the amateur of professional photographer to capture a multitude of classic and beautiful photographs.

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The Boynton Canyon Vortex in Sedona Arizona draws spiritual seekers from around the world.

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Saguaro National Park near Tuscon has a stark beauty all it’s own.


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Toozigoot, an ancient Anasazi settlement near Cottonwood Arizona. Located on the banks of the Verde River,  it was home to the American Indian for generations.


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Secret Canyon, now home to Enchantment Resort near Sedona, draws the famous and unfamous alike.

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature, landscapes and studying native cultures. Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt, the Canary Islands, much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hardcover and Ebooks, and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated

money photography

This informative Ebook describes alternative methods of making money often a full-time income in photography even if you have no desire to shoot wedding photography. this book gives examples and websites where you can use your photos to supply you with an income, not only to enable you to buy new equipment, but a living income.


Camping World

Prophecy: Key to the Future

Art Prints

Interesting article I found.

The next series of prophecies come from the Mormons. They don’t bode well for the future of our country. Many of the Mormon leaders made a series of prophecies regarding the fate of the United States and the world, in general. I will try and keep it brief, but there is a LOT of information that needs to be presented.

In 1844, Joseph Smith was purported to have made the following prophecy:

“There will be two great political parties in this country. One will be called the Republican, and the other the Democrat party. These two parties will go to war and out of these two parties will spring another party which will be the Independent American Party. The United States will spend her strength ,and means warring in foreign lands until other nations will say, “Let’s divide up the lands of the United States”, then the people of the U. S. will unite and swear by the blood of their fore-fathers, that the land shall not be divided. Then the country will go to war, and they will fight until one half of the [U. S. army will give up, and the rest will continue to struggle. They will keep on until they are very ragged and discouraged, and almost ready to give up—when the boys from the mountains will rush forth in time to save the American Army from defeat and ruin. And they will say, ‘Brethren, we are glad you have come; give us men, henceforth, who can talk with God’. Then you will have friends, but you will save the country when it’s [sic] liberty hangs by a hair, as it were.”


He also stated that “there is a land beyond the Rocky Mountains that will be invaded by the heathen Chinese unless great care and protection are given.” (Prophecy: Key to the Future, Crowther, 1962)

This prophecy is interesting for several reasons. The Republican Party was not formally organized until 1854. There is no question that, ideologically, the Democrats and Republicans are at war. Neither party truly represents their constituents. Because of this the American Independent Party was formed in 1967. Its web site stated that this was because “…the leaders of the two existing parties…have deserted the principles and traditions of our nation’s founding fathers.”

Ever since WWII, the U.S. has been in dozens of wars and police actions. Since the end of WWII, there have been more than 100 types of police actions, including notable ones like Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Persian Gulf, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. If this isn’t spending our strength and means warring in foreign lands, I don’t know what is.

Anyone who has kept abreast of current events knows what China is doing. They are actively working to crash the dollar and becoming more and more militarized. Recently, a Chinese navy vessel tried to force a U.S. missile cruiser to stop in international waters and a general from the PLA threatened to nuke the U.S.

In 1960, Ezra Taft Benson, 13th president of the Mormon Church and Secretary of Agriculture under Eisenhower, also voiced warning against “socialistic communism” and specifically against the Chinese communists. He said that “there is little doubt that the leaders of Red China view war as inevitable and await only the propitious moment in which to strike.”

Would the Chinese invade the west coast if the opportunity presented itself? Obama is doing his level best to gut the military and bring in socialism. He’s doing everything he can to turn this country into a welfare society by following the Cloward-Piven strategy. Without question, our economy will collapse and riots will ensue when welfare recipients can’t use their EBT cards. What do you think the Chinese will think when they see this happening? What do you think the Russians will do?

Another thing to point out regarding Smith’s prophecy was the part about the army asking that men be sent to them, men “who can talk to God.” When you look at what the Dear Leader is doing to our military, you can see why this was stated. Obama is systematically purging the military of Christians – men who can talk to God. Any officer or NCO who doesn’t go along with Obama’s agenda is either being retired and/or persecuted under bogus, trumped up charges and driven from the military. Evangelical Christians have been specifically named by DHS and the military as potential terrorists.

Smith also stated in this and other prophecies that the U.S. Constitution would hang by a thread. With “progressives,” i.e., socialists/communists in power, there has been a systematic attack upon the Constitution. They are perverting, distorting and outright ignoring both the letter of the Constitution and its intent.

Obama is trying to have freedom of speech limited by the “Shield Law” introduced in the Senate. This law will specifically state who is considered a journalist and would exclude the alternative media. Freedom of religion is also under attack through Obamacare and forcing business owners to serve homosexuals against their conscience. One wedding cake baker is being threatened with a 12-month jail term if he refuses a court order to make a wedding cake for two homosexuals.

The 2nd Amendment is under attack in spite of the intent of the framers of the Constitution. This also is in spite of statistics that show that those states with the strictest gun laws have the highest violent crime. However, the 2nd Amendment, while it is for personal self-defence, was primarily intended to fight tyranny by the government. The Dear Leader knows this, but, again, in spite of him being a “constitutional scholar,” he ignores reality. The right against self-incrimination and right to unlawful search and seizure have been gutted by the Supremes.

I’d say that our Constitution is hanging by a thread.

From another early Mormon leader, Orson Pratt, is a prophecy regarding a second civil war that will be unlike other civil wars. This war would not be with two distinct factions fighting against each other. It would be a number of what appears to be mob actions, a series of civil wars.

“Do you wish me to describe it? I will do so. It will be a war of neighborhood against neighborhood, city against city, town against town, county against county, state against state, and they will go forth destroying and being destroyed and manufacturing will, in a great measure, cease, for a time, among the American nation. Why? Because in these terrible wars, they will not be privileged to manufacture, there will be too much bloodshed—too much mobocracy—too much going forth in bands and destroying and pillaging the land to suffer people to pursue any local vocation with any degree of safety. What will become of millions of the farmers upon that land? They will leave their farms and they will remain uncultivated, and they will flee before the ravaging armies from place to place; and thus will they go forth burning and pillaging the whole country.” (Journal of Discourses 20:151)

“The time will come when there will be no safety in carrying on the peaceable pursuits of farming or agriculture. But these will be neglected, and the people will think themselves well off if they can flee from city to city, from town to town and escape with their lives.” (Journal of Discourses 12:344)

What do you think will happen when the government is unable to continue its welfare subsidies? What happens when the stock market crashes? The Cloward-Piven strategy that is being followed by the Dear Leader is designed to crash the government as we know it. Unfortunately, I think it’s going to do more than just crash it as we know it with consequences these liberals can never foresee.

This was also foretold and reiterated by other Mormon leaders in the following statements:

“I have seen the end of this nation and it is terrible. I will tell you in the name of the Lord that a secret band will sap the life of this nation.” (Moses Thatcher, 1882)

“And do not think that these usurpations, intimidations, and impositions are being done to us through inadvertence or mistake; The whole course is deliberately planned and carried out; its purpose is to destroy the Constitution and our constitutional government; then to bring chaos, out of which the new Statism with its slavery is to arise, with a cruel, relentless, selfish, ambitious crew in the saddle, riding hard with whip and spur, a red-shrouded band of night riders for despotism.” (J. Reuben Clark, Jr., 1949)

“Concerning the United States, the Lord revealed to his prophets that its greatest threat would be a vast, worldwide ‘secret combination’ (conspiracy) which would not only threaten the United States but also seek to ‘overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations…’” (Ezra Taft Benson, 1961)

“The time will come when the banks in every nation will fail and only two places will be safe where people can deposit their gold and treasures…. A terrible revolution will take place in the land of America, such as has never been seen before; for the land will be literally left without a supreme government. And every species of wickedness will run rampant. Father will be against son, and son against father, mother against daughter, and daughter against mother. The most terrible scenes of murder and bloodshed and rapine that have ever been looked upon will take place. Peace will be taken from the earth and there will be no peace only in the Rocky Mountains. This will cause many hundreds and thousands of the honest in heart to gather there; not because they would be saints (Mormons) but for safety and because they would not take up the sword against their neighbor.” (Joseph Smith, 1843)

“It seemed though I was above the earth, and look­ing down upon it. As I passed along upon my way east I saw the road full of people, mostly women, with just what they could carry in bundles on their backs, trav­eling to the moun­tains on foot. I won­dered how they would get through with such a small pack on their backs. It was re­markable to us[?] that there were so few men among them. It didn’t seem to me as though the cars were run­ning, the rails looked rusty and the roads aban­doned; and I have no con­ception of how I traveled as I looked down upon the peo­ple.” (John Taylor, 1877)

The Mormons have consistently warned against a secret conspiracy that would take hold in the latter days. This conspiracy would threaten, not only the freedom of the United States, but, eventually the entire world. These predictions began surfacing in the 1830’s and have continued to this day. Socialism/communism has generally been identified as the perceived threat. All you need to do is look to the progressives in the government, the news outlets and Hollywood to see that this is true.

About the only positive thing about these prophecies is that they are ended by another prophecy that the good people who flock to the mountains will preserve the Constitution as it was originally intended. Not by how a bunch of progressives wish to twist it. It won’t be just by the Mormons, but all those good people. They will re-establish a government as was originally intended by the Founding Fathers. All of this is to immediately precede the Second Coming.

There are a lot more of these prophecies, but it’s interesting that so much of what was written is coming true or is poised to come true. Much of what I’ve researched comes from the book, “Prophecy: Key to the Future” by Duane Crowther. All anyone needs to do is simply pay attention to current events. What is happening to our country and the world is so obvious…to anyone but a liberal.

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature, landscapes and studying native cultures. Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt, the Canary Islands, much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hardcover and Ebooks, and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated


Throughout man’s long history on earth, there has been one group of people who have carried the torch of liberty and freedom throughout the ages, from time immemorial until the present day. In these days, their counsel is needed more than ever.

The Efficiency Expert

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The Efficiency Expert

The efficiency expert concluded his lecture with a note of caution: “You do not want to try these techniques at home!”

“Why not?” asked a man from the audience.

“After years of not paying attention, I suddenly noticed my wife’s routine at breakfast,” the expert explained. “She made lots of trips to the refrigerator, stove, table, and cabinets, often carrying just a single item at a time.”

“What did you do?” the man in the audience asked.

“I said, ‘Hon, Why don’t you try carrying several things at once? It’d be much more efficient.'”

“Well, did your suggestions save much time?” the attendee asked.

“Actually, yes,” the efficiency expert said. “It used to take her 20 minutes to get breakfast ready. Now I do it in seven.”

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature, landscapes and studying native cultures. Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt, the Canary Islands, much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hardcover and Ebooks, and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated


I have found over the years that there is no such thing as reality, it is only how we perceive it. Each of us may have a different view of it because of our different beliefs and experiences. Two individuals can be sitting side by side, looking at the same event and “see” two entirely different outcomes based on their individual perceptions.

Birthday Cakes, Cake Delivery, Bake Me a Wish

The Beauty of Arizona

Photography Prints

Arizona, The Grand Canyon State displays a variety of scenery. From the mountains of Flagstaff to the low desert of Phoenix. It is a state where the climate and terrain can change every twenty miles.
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Located in the east valley near Phoenix, the Desert Botanical Garden displays every type of desert vegetation from the Sonoran Desert.

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The mighty Saguaro cactus native to Arizona stands magnificently in the deseert.

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Montezuma’s Well, located near Lake Montezuma and Rimrock  in northern Arizona is worthy of a quick stop.

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Then Devil’s Kitchen is a popular but often missed attraction in West Sedona.

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Seldon seen and rare, an overnight blizzard coats Sedona with a beautiful layer of snow.

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature, landscapes and studying native cultures. Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt, the Canary Islands, much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hardcover and Ebooks, and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated

money photography

This informative Ebook describes alternative methods of making money, often a full-time income in photography even if you have no desire to shoot wedding photography. this book gives examples and websites where you can use your photos to supply you with an income, not only to enable you to buy new equipment, but a living income as well.


Mystical Sedona

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Every year thousands come to Sedona for a spiritual experience. There are many practitioners in the area to help one facilitate that. 

Many times people encounter UFOs or have past life experiences for the first time in their lives and completely spontaneous.

Mystical Sedona Gift Boxes
Mystical Sedona Gift Boxes by lifejourneysimages
View Arizona Gift Boxes online at zazzle

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature,landscapes and studying native cultures.Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt,the Canary Islands,much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America, and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hard cover and Ebooks,and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated


I have found over the years that there is no such thing as reality, it is only how we perceive it. Each of us may have a different view of it because of our different beliefs and experiences. Two individuals can be sitting side by side, looking at the same event and “see” two entirely different outcomes based on their individual perceptions.

It's Not about the Cake or Pizza

Photography Prints
I’m sure we are all aware of the uproar created because a bakery refused to  bake a wedding cake or a pizza for a gay wedding because of religious convictions. First off, who has pizza at their wedding? But that is a whole different story.

It’s not about bigotry or being racist. It’s about religious freedom, our first amendment. Our Bill of Rights guarantees we won’t be discriminated against for exercising our freedom of speech or freedom of religion.

There is no correlation between refusing to cater to a gay wedding and being a bigot. You can still love and respect people without agreeing to everything they believe,say or do. It’s done all the time.

It’s called loving the person, but not always loving what they say, do or believe. We each have different values and they should be respected, regardless if we believe the same  or not.  For the gay community to not respect a person of faith’s values can also be interpreted as being bigoted and narrow-minded.

I’m not sure about the others, but the case in northern Indiana was a set-up. A news reporter asked several bakeries a question about catering to a gay wedding. She finally found the answer she wanted, and tried to further her career by taking advantage of someone’s personal values.

It was a hypothetical question, there was no gay couple that came in and asked for them to cater a gay wedding.

Even if there was, and the bakery decided not to cater the wedding, that is within their constitutional right. We cannot be discriminated against because of our religious beliefs. It has nothing to do with bigotry or racism. Whether you agree with them or not, it is their religious right, guaranteed by the constitution.

It wouldn’t be any problem finding a baker, florist, or photographer to cater the wedding. A few hard core radical people are making it hard on everyone, most people who are gay are just like everyone else. They just want to live the life they choose and not make life more difficult for either themselves or anyone else.

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Besides, would you want someone baking a wedding cake who doesn’t believe as you do, just to make a point? Somehow marriage is about more than making a political statement.

There are several videos circulating online where the same question was asked of a Muslim baker and others, no uproar.

It is definitely an attack on Christians and their beliefs.

There was a time when we could pray in school and nothing was said, the same for religious displays in public. All that has changed.

In this day and age profanity is protected by our constitution, but religious values and principles are not. Common sense as described in my latest book has gone completely out the window.

If you believe the popular consensus of the public is correct on this matter and religious values mean nothing, what are you going to do when they come after your ministers, priests, nuns, and other spiritual advisors? Are you going to sit and watch?

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature, landscapes and studying native cultures. Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt, the Canary Islands, much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hardcover and Ebooks, and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated

George Koritzer

There is an extreme shortage of common sense in today’s world, I often think back to what my parents and grandparents believed and said, at the time I thought they were totally out of their mind and ignored it. I now wish I would have listened and followed their advice more often.
It is in this light I have decided to publish some of my random thoughts based on the views of our ancestors.



The art of Lying

Photography Prints

A minister told his congregation, “Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I want you all to read Mark Chapter 17.”

The following Sunday, as he prepared to deliver his sermon, the minister asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many had read Mark 17.

Every hand went up. The minister smiled and said, “Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying.”

 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature,landscapes and studying native cultures.Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt,the Canary Islands,much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America, and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hard cover and Ebooks,and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated

church and state

There has been much debate over the years about what the founding fathers meant about the separation of church and state. In recent times there has been much disinformation about how they actually believed, especially George Washington. In this short Ebook the author tries to explain how they actually felt.

Sedona Arizona Scenery

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The scenery around the Sedona area is as varied as the experiences of the people who visit it.

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A view of Sedona in the background with Capitol Butte or Thunder Mountain as the American Indians called it is in the background.     

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Courthouse Butte on the right and the top of Bell Rock on the left make up the landscape in the Village of Oak Creek.



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Everyone enjoys the Broken Arrow jeep trail, even a lonely cow.

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Slide Rock State Park, located on highway 89A as you start up the Oak Creek Canyon provides a refreshing and cool chance to enjoy the sparkling clear waters of Oak Creek.

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 Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature, landscapes and studying native cultures. Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt, the Canary Islands, much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed.

For more information and a link to his hardcover and Ebooks, and contact information: please check his website,

Your comments appreciated

money photography

This informative Ebook describes alternative methods of making money, often a full-time income in photography even if you have no desire to shoot wedding photography. this book gives examples and websites where you can use your photos to supply you with an income, not only to enable you to buy new equipment, but a living income as well.