First Pleiadians, then Arcturians, and now my new friends…the Andromedans.

Atheria: The Petite Medium

On April 3, 2014 I took part in a group channeling session at “Let’s Channel” held within “Tech Love” in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Prior to the 6:30 p.m. start I wasn’t sure I’d be able to go into trance as I didn’t really feel it…but then with just a few minutes left, I started to feel the presence of my unseen friends.  It took me a while to fully incorporate with my unseen friends, so that I had to pass on my first chance to speak.  By the time it was back to being my turn, about an hour or so had passed and my body was getting very tired from holding the energy.  If you’ve never been in trance as a 60 watt bulb getting 1,000 watts plugging into you, it’s hard to explain how hard and draining it can be.  My hands (which you can’t see in the…

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