Achieving your Desires

This blog is the result of my own thoughts combined with those of an unknown author. The thoughts are not all mine, although I do agree with them and wish to thank the original author  for most of the content.

I recently finished reading ,”The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown, author of the Divinci Code. A fascinating book in it’s own right. The book finally brought out in the last chapter what life is all about. It fully explains how we can achieve all we want and need in life.

And as is true with most profound discoveries, the answer is so simple and easy to discover it is overlooked by almost everyone,and understood by even fewer people.

We always assume that all profound and great truths need to be complicated and hard to comprehend, hidden from all but the elite. Most often, truth is right under our nose and in plain sight , and very often , as my mother would always say,” if it was a snake, it would bite you”.

The truth is that the Universe has been answering your wants and desires all  your life, but you cannot receive the correct answers unless you are aware.  Be aware of everything around you, because you are receiving the answers to your questions in every moment of the day.  The channels those answers can come through are varied and unlimited.  They can be delivered in the form of a newspaper headline that attracts your attention, or overhearing someone speaking, or a song on the radio, or signage on a truck passing by, or receiving a sudden inspiration. All we need to do is remember to remember, and become aware!

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The rest is easy.

I have found on my own life and in others’ lives that we do not think well of ourselves or love ourselves completely.  To not love ourselves can keep what we want from us. By not loving ourselves, we are literally pushing what we desire  away from us.

We have been conditioned by society and those around us to often expect the worse, and even some think we need to repay all karma before we can deserve all the good that should be available to us. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

We could never repay all the supposedly “bad” karma we have built up over the past. Very often, while paying off one karmic debt, other debt is accumulated , it can be an endless cycle. We need to remember as we are experiencing life, others are also interacting with us and learning their own life lessons.

The key to repaying our karmic debts, is not to just repay it, but to forgive ourselves and others in the process. Because of our so-called bad karma, others have learned as well.

Everything we want, whatever it may be, is motivated by love regardless of if we realize it or not. It is to experience the feelings of love  in having those things–youth, money, the perfect person, job, body, or health.  To attract the things we love we must transmit love, and those things will appear immediately.

The catch is, to transmit the highest frequency of love, you must love yourself, and that can be difficult for many.  If you focus on the outside and what you see now, you  trip yourself up, because what you see and feel about you now is the result of what you have thought in the past.

To love yourself fully, you must focus on a new dimension of You.  You must focus on the “Golden Source” inside of You.  Take a moment and sit still.  Focus on feeling the soul, or life presence located near the heart chakra.  As you focus on the presence within, it will begin to reveal itself to You.  It is a feeling of pure love and bliss, and it is perfection.  That presence is the perfection of You.  That presence is the real You.  As you focus on that presence, as you feel, love, and praise that presence, you will love yourself fully, quite possibly for the first time in your life.

Any time you look at yourself with critical eyes, switch your focus immediately to the presence within, and its perfection will reveal itself to You.  As you do this, all imperfections that have manifested in your life will dissolve, because imperfections cannot exist in the light of this presence.  Whether you want to regain perfect eyesight, dissolve disease and restore well-being, turn poverty into abundance, reverse aging and degeneration, or eradicate any negativity, focus on and love the presence within you and perfection will manifest.


We each create our own reality.

The absolute truth is that the “I” is perfect and complete;

the real “I” is spiritual and can therefore never be less than

perfect; it can never have any lack, limitation, or disease

Gary has been a writer/ photographer for over 20 years, specializing in nature,landscapes and studying native cultures.Besides visiting most of the United States, he has traveled to such places as Egypt,the Canary Islands,much of the Caribbean. He has studied  the Mayan Cultures in Central America, and the Australian Aboriginal way of life.Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in many different parts of the world!

He has published several books about the various cultures he has observed and applied what he has learned to solving the many issues facing not only the United States, but the world as well.

Common Sense solutions to complex problems.

For more information and a link to his hard cover and Ebooks,and contact information: please check his

You can also follow him on your Kindle.

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