Instant Gratification

Today we live in a world of instant gratification. Every aspect of our lives changes on a dime, we no longer have to wait weeks and weeks for information, or take the time to go to the library. All we need to do is go to our computer or Ipod to find out any bit of information we want or need, instantly.

This has many positive sides to it. We have become addicted to getting everything we want in the blink of an eye. In many cases problems can be solved instantly, we can find directions to distant destinations by only checking our GPS on our cell phone, finding the best restaurant and calling for reservations while en-route. We can check out the weather forecast not only where we live or preside, but determine what clothes to pack for a faraway vacation instantly.

It has created in us a need and expectation that everything in our world can be solved with the blink of an eye and a fast internet connection. Wouldn’t it be nice if that were true? It may work out fine in the non-personal world of information, however there are no quick fixes when it comes to personal relationships. We cannot Google for a solution of problems with our mate or other members of our circle of friends or relatives.

There are no fast fixes , this arena still requires patience, understanding and a knowing that many issues aren’t and cannot be solved so quickly. In most cases it takes years or lifetimes to work through karma and issues from the past. Even problems on the national and world scene cannot be solved by running information through a computer.

Due to our being conditioned to believe everything can be solved instantly, many relationships are destroyed, both on a personal level and world level as well. Many people have little or no patience when it comes to solving problems, they give the particular problem fifteen minutes , at most, of their time, and if no solution is found , the problem is ignored and their attention diverts to a lesser distraction.

Many people develop a relationship through an on-line dating service, and if it doesn’t work out move on to someone else from the thousands of possibilities on the dating sites. I’m not saying that one should take the first cat out of the bag, however, because of the apparent surplus of likely candidates, people develop the attitude they are walking into a candy store and if they don’t like the candy by the front door, there is plenty more in the back.

However true this may be , and in many ways it is a good thing. People are no longer limited to finding someone in their own local area where the pickings may be slim. It leads many to believe that once they are in a relationship, there is no need to give it much attention, as if it doesn’t work out, there are plenty more fish in the sea.Thus they bail out, find someone new and begin the same path to destruction they just recently abandoned .

It doesn’t work in every relationship, but many times just hanging in there and working at it solves many of the issues, and one can live a happy and prosperous life without making life changing decisions .

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