The Progression of the Soul and the Coming Changes of 2012

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The Coming Changes of 2012

The year 2012 is and will bring many changes, not so much on a physical level as it will on a spiritual and emotional level. The earth will still be here and I see no dramatic earth changes, although that can always change as it has many times in the past. There has always been and always will be climate change, we humans have very little to do with it.

I see a large shift in consciousness, much of which has been slowly evolving over the past several years. Even as a child I could see this particular period of time as very traumatic and a time when the future of the world was held in escrow. The present situation with the American government becoming more and more socialist will not last, it is something that has been building for decades, the Obama administration is only bringing it to a head. We as Americans will probably become more socialist, but I don’t see a complete shift to socialism.

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 The human soul functions best when it is free to choose it’s own destiny, the soul doesn’t want to have its whole life run and controlled by some government bureaucrat. The soul wants to be able to make it’s own decisions and chart its own life, regardless of the risks involved. Soul growth doesn’t come by being protected from all so-called negative experiences. Regardless of what the liberals think, each individual soul knows more of how to run their life than the government does.

People are starting to wake up and realize that our country and the world have been going down the wrong path, and with the advent of the internet, our elected officials no longer can pull the wool over our eyes like they have been able to do in the past. No longer can they say something in Oregon and something altogether different in Pennsylvania and get away with it.There is a new era beginning and it is time elected officials on both sides of the aisle  realize it, or their careers will be extremely short.

There will be and have been many changes on a personal level, many relationships simply don’t last a life time, people’s views and needs are changing rapidly, and like it or not , many have a need to grow faster and in a different direction than their partner.

Everything seems to be changing, with the advent of 2012.I feel that as we enter a new era brought on by the year 2012, our vibrational rates are changing(both on a personal level and also on a world level.) As these vibrational rates change, our perspective changes and thus we become in a sense someone else. It’s kind of confusing, even though we are still the same soul, our perceptions change, it’s like we morph into another dimension, we start over, our Karma will be released, just as when Jesus was born and all past so-called transgressions were forgiven and humanity started over with a clean slate.
The Mayan calendar ends on December 21 2012, as do several other ancient calendars end at or around the year 2012, the Hindu and Cherokee are just 2 that come to mind. The fact these calendars are ending doesn’t signify an end to the world, only an end of an era. A new beginning with more openness in government which will create an opportunity for the soul to grow more rapidly in positive ways.

Now, follow me on Kindle.

The author has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

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At this period of time in the history of man, there is probably more individual searching being done into the theories behind the origin of the human race,what happens after death,the possibility of life on other planets, and what our relationship is to these life forms, if they do exist. There are millions of people who are questioning the existence of God, who he really is, and what is my relationship with him? Is he someone who mysteriously floats around on a cloud watching and judging us from above like some bigger than life Santa Claus, or is he, like many of the esoteric sciences claim, a part of our inner Self, whom we have constant contact with, someone whom we and everything in the universe are connected and are thus one? Each of us in our own way is experiencing what God is, and thus we are each a part of God, thus we are God! This book is a brief account of my search for my own truth as I know it today, everything stated actually happened, according to my own perception. It has been an exciting search, at times very frustrating, very rewarding, and above all, very fulfilling. My main purpose in writing this book is to show that anyone, even a bashful unfamous country boy can have these awakenings, you don’t have to be rich or well-known to find your connection to Divine Source.

Available in both paperback and ebook format.

Destiny: Creating Our Own

Destiny: Creating Our Own

Sometimes reaching a fork in the road isn’t a fork , it’s just two paths one will take at different stages in life,a preview of things to come,the one fork may be  a situation that needs to be resolved before our true destiny or life purpose, can come to pass.

There are many reasons why the path we would like to choose seems to be closed to us. No matter what we try, the less inviting course seems to be the only available path to take.

Art Prints

Perhaps one of the partners in our life experience isn’t ready, they are working on their own karma, or just haven’t progressed far enough along life’s path to be ready to participate in the journey.Maybe one needs to settle other karma or life challenges before the most desired path can be followed.


Sometimes we make so called stupid  choices early in life that adversely affect our lives for many years. They are not stupid choices, there are no mistakes in life, the choices we make enable us to learn and grow, thus evolving into a soul that can more fully understand the workings of nature and nature’s God.

Although we create our destiny, there seems to be certain circumstances  arise  that are inevitable, it is how we react to these situations  that determine how we live and the path we follow. Once we move beyond these situations, our life improves and one no longer has to deal with that particular event, thus by dealing with it, we are creating our destiny.

Should someone else pay for our so-called mistakes? No, but each individual has to understand they are partaking in the life experiences of their choosing, if not on a conscious level, then on some sub-conscious level that might be unknown even to themselves. Part of evolving in consciousness is understanding this and being able to tap into that “unknowingness” thus enabling one to understand the knowledge that can be gained from such so-called negative experiences.

Our thought and words have consequences, the things we say and do each day manifest destiny and  affect not only ourselves but our future as well as the lives of those around us. Often times the results aren’t immediate, but come about many years later, when we least expect it.
Thus, the fork in the road is a preview of things to come, things unseen by us at the time.

The author has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments are welcome

young living


At this period of time in the history of man, there is probably more individual searching being done into the theories behind the origin of the human race,what happens after death,the possibility of life on other planets, and what our relationship is to these life forms, if they do exist. There are millions of people who are questioning the existence of God, who he really is, and what is my relationship with him? Is he someone who mysteriously floats around on a cloud watching and judging us from above like some bigger than life Santa Claus, or is he, like many of the esoteric sciences claim, a part of our inner Self, whom we have constant contact with, someone whom we and everything in the universe are connected and are thus one? Each of us in our own way is experiencing what God is, and thus we are each a part of God, thus we are God! This book is a brief account of my search for my own truth as I know it today, everything stated actually happened, according to my own perception. It has been an exciting search, at times very frustrating, very rewarding, and above all, very fulfilling. My main purpose in writing this book is to show that anyone, even a bashful unfamous country boy can have these awakenings, you don’t have to be rich or well-known to find your connection to Divine Source.


Winter Palace Luxor Egypt

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Winter Palace, Luxor Egypt

The Winter Palace, located in Luxor Egypt was built by the British during their occupation of Egypt in 1886. Being built on the banks of the Nile River it features a tropical garden with a mystical atmosphere. With all the comforts of a five star hotel, it has hosted celebrities and royalty for years. (the ancient Egyptians would be proud of this edifice).

Arriving by an overnight train from Giza, it was a welcome sight. A breakfast on the patio was in order and from there a day of enjoying all the vast sights of Luxor and the surrounding Egyptian area. The hotel is beautiful with all the trimmings one would expect at a five star hotel although they do have a slight problem with cleanliness. I presume living in an area where rainfall comes at a premium, it is difficult to maintain cleanliness with wind constantly blowing dust.

 The original intent had been to stay the following evening at a recently  constructed Sheraton , however  as is so often the case with international travel, our plans changed, the Sheraton wasn’t completed . Due to the fact no one had informed us of this, we had no where to stay or to leave our luggage for the day.(Where is AAA when you need them?)

Both our tour guide and hotel manager assured us they would find us a place to stay by evening and  our luggage would be fine in the hotel lobby. Not having any other choice, everyone reluctantly left all our worldly goods in the lobby and fully expecting to never see it again, set out on a full day of sight seeing.


A trip to Egypt should never be taken without visiting this area, much of the world’s ancient history is on display here, with Karnak, the Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, many ancient Egyptian temples and shrines are  within driving distance,also not to be missed is King Tut’s tomb. It isn’t a Club Med vacation, but everyone should experience this at least once in their life time.

Returning to the Winter Palace about 4 PM,we were met by one of the other members of our group who stated that we had the choice to stay the night in the hotel manager’s  house across the Nile River located near the Valley of the Dead.Not sure if falling asleep in the Valley of the Dead is a good idea, but it was better than plan B.(Sleeping on the couch in the Winter Palace lobby.)
Some of our friends grew quite envious, as they were staying in the hotel’s abandoned butler’s quarters, which had been repainted that day. Our friends had to literally pick up the pieces of their bed lying in the front yard, carry them inside and make their own bed.
Mistakenly picturing chandeliers and butlers, I immediately jumped at the chance. I was to soon find out, things aren’t always as they seem on the surface, another surprise awaited me.

 (At least our luggage was still in the lobby!)

Hotel Habou3

Hotel Habou, here we come.

The author has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments welcome

land of the pharaoh

Coming from a small midwestern town, the traveler decides to go to Egypt as his first trip to a foreign country. Travel with him as he makes new discoveries in an ancient land.

Egypt: Land of Mystery

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Egypt, Land of Mystery

Dating back to the land before time, Egypt continues to be a land of mystery and intrigue. Egyptians are still farming and earning a living today much the same way they did in ancient Egypt almost ten thousand years ago.

Many are still seen today farming and tilling their crops, using irrigation water from the Nile River via the same irrigation canals that were used many generations ago. Not much seems to have changed in this ancient land. Viewing the ancient Egyptian pyramids and temples, it almost seems as though their civilization has digressed over time.
Observing the gigantic pyramids of Egypt and the modern day mud houses at the same time, one wonders how the same peoples could be responsible for constructing both types of edifices.
Buildings and homes built over 1500 years ago are very similar to the ones being constructed today, not much seems to have changed in this ancient land.
Standing high on the plain overlooking Cairo are the pyramids of Giza, of the nearly 70 pyramids of Egypt, these three are the most popular and well known. Reputed to be nearly 5,000 years old, but in all probability are much older than that, these three landmarks have been the topic of many books, movies, and legends over time. Nothing can prepare one for the first time they are seen “live” and in person. Rising nearly 300 feet above the plateau which is itself nearly 300 feet above the Nile River Valley, they are quite impressive.The pyramids can be seen while passing homes with no roofs, enabling fires to be  built in the living rooms  allowing the residents  to keep warm during the cold Egyptian winter evenings.


Many legends and much speculation in Egyptian mythology surround the pyramids as to why they were built , as well as to how they were built. They have been described as being burial tombs for the pharaohs and Egyptian Gods, giant observatories, ceremonial sites where many ancient ritual were performed, as well as various other functions. Although it is my understanding that no one has ever been found buried in a pyramid, all of the other functions seem to make sense. The giant pyramid, or pyramid of Cheops(Khufu), is perfectly aligned to the four cardinal points of the earth, following and extending  one line along the base, it would pass through Bethlehem, while another line would extend through Stonehenge. The various viewing points available  line up perfectly with different constellations that were of importance to the ancient Egyptians.
Much has been written trying to explain how they were built, using pulleys, ramps, and thousands of workman to construct them, however not much of it makes sense. Being built on the highest ground for miles, It’s hard to visualize how ramps could have been built, also, there would still be evidence of the ramps, being an extremely arid climate, structures and the evidence of structures last for thousands of years. The tremendous manpower needed to built the edifices would have been staggering, how do you move a stone, some of which weigh 40 tons and are as large as a train locomotive  up a ramp 300 feet high?

Probably the most logical explanation as to how they were built, when they were built, and by whom is probably the most illogical. Many legends persist that they were built either by extraterrestrials or by refugees from Atlantis who escaped to Egypt while their land sank beneath the sea some 12,000 years ago.Theoretically either could be true, much suggests that planet earth has been visited many times by life forms from beyond our galaxy and there is also evidence of a land existing in the Atlantic before our present era.
As for now no one really knows as to where they came from, why they were built, or what information they hold that may be of use to mankind in the future, one can only speculate. Only time will tell.

Now you can follow me on Kindle.

The author has been a writer/photographer for over thirty years. Specializing in nature and landscape photography, as well as studying native cultures.

His travels have taken him to most of the United States, as well as Australia, Belize, Egypt and the Canary Islands.

He has studied the Mayan culture of Central America as well as the aborigines of Australia. Photography has given him the opportunity to observe life in various parts of the world.

He has published several books about his adventures.

For more information, please consult his website,

Your comments welcome

land of the pharaoh

Dating back to the land before time, Egypt continues to be a land of mystery and intrigue. Many Egyptians are still farming and earning a living today much the same way they did in ancient Egypt, almost ten thousand years ago. Most are still using irrigation water from the Nile River via the same irrigation canals used many generations ago. Not much seems to have changed in this ancient land
As I viewed the ancient Egyptian pyramids and temples, it seemed to me their civilization had digressed over time. You can’t help but wonder how the same peoples that built the pyramids, today can only build rudimentary mud huts. Homes built over 1500 years ago are like the ones constructed today.
Standing high on the plain overlooking Cairo are the pyramids of Giza. Of the nearly 70 pyramids of Egypt, these three are the most popular and well known. Reputed to be over 5,000 years old, these three landmarks have been the topic of many books, movies, and legends.
Many legends and speculation in Egyptian mythology surround the pyramids. Why were they built, and how were they built? They have been described as burial tombs for the pharaohs, and giant observatories. Speculation also exists they were ceremonial sites where the ancients performed secret rituals.

Our Federal Goverrnment and Health Care

Obama Health Care

The founders of our country didn’t trust our government, why should we ? With all the checks and balances that were built into it , the federal government was designed to be highly inefficient. The founders knew we had to have a government, but knew that power corrupts. That is why it was purposely conceived to be next to impossible to make large wholesale changes, if the constitution was followed.

Our government was founded on the principle that the states would have more power than the federal government, based on the theory that the more issues are decided on a local level, the more relevant they would be and also the more accountable the politicians would have to be. Also it gave an opportunity to try a new concept at the state or local level before adopting it on the national scene. Thus leaving an opportunity to scape the whole idea if it didn’t work out the way everyone thought it would.

Our present government is not operating any way close to the way it was intended, the whole idea of passing bills without reading them, and now trying to adopt bills without voting on them is absurd! What kind of a free people would stand for anything close to that, it sounds more like something Castro or Chavez would do and get away with.

There isn’t any question our health care system needs some reform, however adopting the socialism the liberals are trying to push through is like raising the bridge instead of lowering the river.

Two of the best solutions, tort reform and allowing one to buy insurance across state lines would do a lot to reduce costs and create a healthier environment. Socialized medicine will only raise costs and reduce services, already almost 30% of our doctors are going to quit practicing and some major drug stores are refusing to accept any more Medicaid customers. It will only get worse. Obama hellth scare proposals are not about health care, they are only about power, control, and changing America into a socialist progressive  country. Karl Marx would be proud.

The government has had over 200 years to reform the post office, they are losing over 4 billion dollars this year, and by Obama’s own admission, Fed-Ex and UPS are making money, Woodrow Wilson promised when social security was enacted only the rich would be taxed, how’s that working out for you?

Social security was enacted so every one could collect at age 65, only problem was, the life expectancy was only 64 at the time. It still wasn’t doing too bad until the mid 60s when Lyndon Johnson and his merry band of socialist started raiding the fund to funnel money into the general fund to pay the bills our government was running up.
Medicare by the same token is going broke and now congress wants to take money from it to pay for socialized medicine. Sounds like fuzzy math to me.

My E Books.

Gary is a travel writer and photographer living in Sarasota, Florida. He maintains a website featuring some of his travel photos and markets a line of products featuring many of his photos.

Interesting? Follow me on Kindle.

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Looking for the Perfect Photo Website

The Perfect Photography Website

Photo Sharing Website

I think most photographers have been in the same position I have found myself. For several years I have been looking for a website that would do it all. Everything from archiving and storing my photos on line to being able to publish and sell my much sought after masterpieces to the hungry  public.

Having as many as three websites to fulfill all my needs , I realize how confusing it can be trying to keep up with what I have posted where. I desired a site where I could store my photos, make them available to friends and family so they could view them , and also a site where I could access my photos, transfer them to Photoshop , edit and them post them to various blogs and websites.

Phanfare has developed a site that meets all of my needs and more. The site is a perfect place to archive my photos,not only that, they can be viewed by anyone. There is the capability to publish or unpublish various categories so I can choose which photos are available for viewing and which photos are to be kept private.

The Pro version features a website link so I can publish a link to my websites and blogs for easy viewing by my readers. It also offers the opportunity for me to offer my prints for sale, not only as photos, but also books,greeting cards,calendars,coffee mugs, mouse pads,puzzles, and various other products.
All one  needs to do is upload the photo, set the prices, and Phanfare does the rest! How much easier can it get.

A function is even provided where the photos can be uploaded to Face Book, Twitter, Ebay, and other sites.

This may not be the perfect photo site, but It’ll do until the perfect one comes along. If you’re looking for a photo sharing website, this could be for you.

Gary is a travel writer and photographer living in Sarasota, Florida. He maintains a website featuring some of his travel photos and markets a line of products featuring many of his photos.